Man, Guts really let himself go.
I'm starting a new job in January, which will give me financial stability and job security for the first time in years. It means I can go back to University and pursue my dream of becoming a zoologist, heck I'll even be able to take a holiday with my girlfriend without worrying about rent!
Holy shit, this is good news.
Not a mountain exactly, but I hiked to Everest Base Camp which was 5,364 meters. About 2 days and 200 meters lower I had started having very strange dreams that come with that altitude. At Base camp, little tasks became more difficult, I had an ever present headache, and I woke on the hour every hour during the night. But fuck me, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
It's been alright I guess. Though, I started catsitting for my old housemate today and she's been overfeeding them to a crazy degree. I basically raised one of the cats, so it's pretty upsetting.
Well I mean, not me anyway! Ha! That'd be crazy, right?!
Has THE PACK moved to the Fediverse?!
Journey is a game that has stuck with me for the past ten years. It took me an hour and a half to complete.