[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 22 points 2 months ago

I recommend looking up The Deathworlders for a similar feeling. Or better yet, the origin story for that from the Humanity Fuck Yeah community. I forget the exact name, but something Jenkins.

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 12 points 3 months ago

I run a group that does free software programming education in Seoul. There's a similar group in LA. When I came to Korea, I just set up a meetup account, paid the fee, rented some space, and started teaching people stuff and studying together. Great way to make friends. Been running it for 7 years now. I've had about a dozen or so people come say the group has helped them change their career to IT for the better. A dozen sounds like a small number, but it's a huge impact on those people

So be the change you want to see. If you have a skill that can help people improve their lives, whether it's career or life stuff, share it! Learning a new skill is hard, and having a community to support you in learning, goes a long way

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 12 points 4 months ago

You missed a very, very important keyword there: "deserved."

Theologians miss a key point of rational debate where they don't provide proper definitions and make big assumptions that aren't great.

Who defines what the "correct" effect of an action is? Who defines what consequence is deserved by a choice? If God is the almighty being, he decides what is right and wrong. In Abrahamic tradition, God defines all of these arbitrary rules and expects humanity to obey them without question. Shit, God ordered Abraham himself to murder despite that supposedly being against the rules.

God is like a kid that holds a magnifying glass focused on an arbitrary point near the anthill. He set up the conditions for us to hurt ourselves according to his arbitrary rules. Why didn't he tell Satan to fuck off with the fruit? Why did he allow Satan to exist in the first place? If God created everything, then he is responsible for everything by our human logic. So God can fuck right off

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 30 points 7 months ago

Their arguments assume businesses operate in good faith. We fundamentally know that it's not true, from overseas child labor by fast fashion to coal mining to IT security. This economist of theirs can fuck off

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 16 points 7 months ago

This community is on lemmy.ml, which explicitly leans hard left. Maybe a memes community on another instance would be less like this

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 11 points 8 months ago

I understand the bitterness, but whoever said the commenter wanted to do what capitalists demand? They just wanted to avoid bloodshed.

There are always options like general strikes, massive voting movements, etc. It's just a matter of figuring out what will work and how to do it.

If you're arguing that capitalists will respond with violence, that's fair, but then the blame is on them, not the workers

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 9 points 8 months ago

That whole culture is cancer. A lot of Koreans here think country music is typical American music, and i have to explain to them how that whole culture is super, super fucked and how they need to turn off that fucking music

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 8 points 8 months ago

I live in Seoul, which has superb public transit. It can work if designed well.

Busses have their own lanes to ensure traffic minimally affects them. Bus-train transfers are well managed. High density means that mass transit ends up being faster due to traffic concerns. Speed limits are quite low, which also makes vehicle accidents less lethal.

As for prohibitively expensive, that's only if you don't sufficiently tax your corporations ;)

So basically, vote for local and national government that will create an environment where public transit works

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 10 points 8 months ago

I don't get all the hate and vitriol for StackOverflow. Sure, some people are assholes. Welcome to humanity. At least the system provides for voting to suppress the shit takes and general assholery.

SO combined with Google is usually enough to help me find an answer that either gives the context I need to make a solution or a straight up solution. If people are posting and expecting a super detailed, correct answer in a matter of hours, I think their expectations need adjustment.

I've posted very few questions and had decent responses for the majority of them. Is my experience uncommon?

But yeah, layoffs suck, and I hope they find a way to be profitable. Hell, if they do a Patreon-esque model where people can just throw money at them because they appreciate the service, I'd subscribe. (If a similar thing exists that I don't know about, please link)

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 11 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

(Edit: what I'm about to say is a good bit wrong, but I'm not going to try and hide my mistakes. This article has a more complete history: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/why-israel-and-palestine-conflict-war-history-b2426050.html)

I don't support the violence at all, but this isn't a (direct) result of imperialism.

After WW2, the Allies were like, "what do we do with all these Jews? We don't want them in our countries." Then they thought, "why not Jerusalem?" But a bunch of Arabs were living there, but the Allies really didn't want more Jews, so they just dumped them all in modern Israel, told the Arabs this is Jews' land now, and recognized Israel as a state. Palestine has a right to be pissed. So this isn't so much an imperialism problem as much as a racism problem.

But still, Hamas are evil fuckers that take shit too far. Israel definitely is not the good guy and is not helping the situation at all, but this kind of escalation just makes shit worse for everyone.

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 46 points 11 months ago

I was invited to Valve's Game Developers Conference after party. I met Felicia Day and swing danced with her. She's super fucking cool. During that same GDC, I started interviewing at Riot Games and ended up getting hired by them.

There's other fun stuff I've proactively done, but I think that's the big one that happened to me

[-] TheBeege@lemmy.world 25 points 1 year ago

Confidence and/or giving no fucks goes a long way. Combine that with unabashed honesty, and you're good. Just gotta make sure not to be a dick about things.

This ends up rubbing assholes the wrong way, but good people will be drawn to you. If you're in a toxic environment, you'll end up kind of ejecting yourself, but you can build a good environs around yourself

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