submitted 8 months ago by Teali0@kbin.social to c/gaming@kbin.social

What started as a random rental from a local video store became one of my most played and most recommended video game experiences.

[-] Teali0@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

Persepolis Rising (book 7 of The Expanse) the introduction of the Laconia magnetar-class ships were always really cool in my imagination, haha. They just seemed so powerful and impossible to take on.

[-] Teali0@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

@skele_tron any update on progress? I'm excited to hear your thoughts, haha.

[-] Teali0@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

I cannot recommend this game enough. It definitely not perfect--I had numerous complaints about its audio mixing--but the gameplay is so good. It does the System Shock/Bioshock formula extremely well. If you're going in for your first time, push yourself to experiment. The game is very good at letting you do things you maybe normally wouldn't think of.

Gameplay spoilers!

For example: There are times where you are locked out of a room in need of a keycard or passcode that you need to come across. Sometimes this can be mitigated by a simple swing of your wrench can break the glass; many people will likely figure that out. Sometimes, that locked room has glass, but it has bars preventing you from entering after breaking the glass. This may lead those who use the typhon powers to transform into a small object and move between the bars to get inside. Now, what do you do if you don't have the keycard/passcode, or have psionic powers? Well, there's a "weapon" that you can use called the Huntress Boltcaster. It's a toy gun that shoots foam crossbow bolts. You can use this to shoot the button on the inside of the door to open it. Incredible.

[-] Teali0@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

People have been saying that for years and yet Nintendo is performing quite well. The average consumer does not care about resolutions and framerates. If a Switch 2 does come out in the next couple of years, I would expect it to perform similarly to a PS4 Pro/Xbox One X with 1080p and 60fps as @ampersandrew had already mentioned.

[-] Teali0@kbin.social 0 points 1 year ago

Best story of the series. Please update when you finish!

[-] Teali0@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

Thank you! I'm pretty new to all of this and I was just following what everyone else was doing haha

[-] Teali0@kbin.social 0 points 1 year ago

!thescarydoor is a Futurama subreddit that I am shamelessly self-promoting. I hope that's okay.

Edit: I don't know how to link it properly, I guess.


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