
joined 1 year ago
[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 17 points 4 days ago

You are like two steps away from turning into a bakery.

[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 3 points 1 week ago

Same, never heard of it before this post.

[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 14 points 2 weeks ago

The 'I'm sorry' stuff gets even more on my nerves when I set 3 base rules for the whole session and it has forgotten about them in the very next prompt.

[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 1 points 4 weeks ago

All the time on science memes, try going back to 'best of all time'. It can also make modding on mobile quite a pain, when you as a mod can't see the post. Though the failed to load media is, what I have heard not due to the app itself but that the link in the post is broken and the app just has not indexed the post yet. Which is why other apps may show the post correctly because they indexed it before the link broke. However I can not remember where I read that. So it might be completely false.

[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 2 points 1 month ago

It happens to the best of us, those Junk Mail Nation guys are not to be trusted. One introduced himself to me as deposed prince in exile looking for some help to land. Almost fell for it though.

[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

In a sense - yes it is good to 'be like everyone else'. Now before you all downvote, ask yourself what do we consider normal? When becomes a behaviour problematic?

we assume behaviour falls on a bell curve. At the extreme ends is behaviour that's is considered to be 'abnormal' as in not normal and in the in-between is what we consider normal and what most people do. Abnormal does not mean bad or detrimental to one's health however; it often sparks a negative reaction from others.

In line with this is the 'insult' to be extra unique, different or special would be not normal because most people are not at the end of the bell curve.

If we apply this to mental health: you may feel depressed at times. Doesn't mean anything but the more days you feel that way, the further to the end of the bell curve do you move. At some point you are an outlier and we can safely say: you have a major depression. Now this is simplified but it gets the point across.

In other areas it is better to not be extremely unique, too. Think of school, in my experience being different is not a problem but being extremely different to your peers will have negative impact on you. They might pick on you or outright ignore you. This is not justifying this it is sadly how it often goes.

[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Free stuff sign me up, Hogwarts for my Misses!

[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)
[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 32 points 2 months ago

What do they mean 'despite layoffs' isn't it thanks to the layoffs?

[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 5 points 2 months ago

They might need to rush it but I feel like they gonna do that anyway

[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 13 points 2 months ago

I never understood why they don't address that issue that the villages are so all over the place.

But I also dislike the ravines and constant cave systems.

[–] Taiatari@lemmynsfw.com 2 points 2 months ago

Tried setting it up once on an old pc to have it as a kinda streaming thingy behind the tv. Never finished the project. First I was overloaded with options. Which Linux version, picked Ubuntu because why not? Did the download and could not find a USB stick at home that's bigger than 2gb. Tried installing on a hard drive in my pc didn't work. Gave up after that.

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