
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

use a VPN for the creation, build up enough karma to get past the automated systems

They are banning VPNs as well if I am not wrong, I created multiple accounts on reddit and all of them were banned after a while and I hadn't even done anything except try and stay anon :(

The key is, you need to create your new account on a separate computer

Is it possible to just hide the computer or to try and mask it as something else?

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Because there are more communities there and I need help now! (not the OP but I was searching for the same answer)

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (2 children)

wot!? Scrcpy can double as a webcam, God, kill me now.

I have been using scrcpy to open the phone so I can turn on droidcam on it! :')

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

automation & scripting. The more advanced the android, the less liberties I have over my own device in terms of customization.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)


til a new word...

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

And you never mention what problems this solves…

ah... problems like v4l2loopback not found. I used to face it a lot, and I never found the reason why it was not working in the same place (I might get one thing here and another thing there) so I tried to aggregate everything and create this post, so that people who face that issue would get this post and they won't stay confused for a long amount of time like I did.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

With every new version, I lost some liberty to do something I like in the name of security. I am not exactly excited over newer versions of android :(

ohh... thanks! I will look into it!

[–] 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (5 children)

With every new version, I lost some liberty to do something I like in the name of security. I am not exactly excited over newer versions of android :(

[–] -4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I am hard of hearing, can you please say that slowly :')

Sorry, please explain a lil more

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (5 children)

hey, what ya mean? Droidcam is actually perfect for me, I use it for Zoom, video calls, meets, you name it!

The only issue was reliability and I apparently just had to have v4l2loopback running in the background, and I solved that by creating a script and running that script to open Droidcam

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

But I’m generally not very trustful

Does it say anything about the German culture or is it just you?

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

We have a newspaper (Real Change)

of all things you say, that's the most surprising. Local news papers are becoming a thing of the past for some reason. Next time maybe buy that newspaper, I mean, Local news papers, the remaining ones, are on life support.


My phone screen broke but everything else works fine except for the fact that I can't see what's happening on my phone, I was able to install an app which mirrors my phone and thus control my phone indirectly, but I was wondering if there was a way I could do basic functions like reading texts without seeing the screen. I mean, I am also curious what do people with visual disabilities use? Are there any apps like VoiceOver which help you read texts?


Mozilla usually sends a ping to your browser and that's how they know you are using firefox and that's how Mozilla counts the reducing number of users who are using FF, so I was wondering if this survey includes forks of FF.

PS: If you turn off telemetry completely, you won't be counted in surveys, most Mozilla forks are more private by default than FF itself. So, I was wondering if more people were using forks and abandoning FF for privacy reasons. Thus reducing the count. That makes sense?


Thank you very much! Know that I really appreciate your help, even if I can't Thank you individually!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

edit: just installed WaterFox and apparently they use bing, very interesting choice. I am not sure if I am for that, but heck I can change the default engine. So, I don't care

also, I like Waterfox already uninstalled Chrome. I can't believe I didn't know this until now. Why can't Firefox do this btw?

I know firefox is the only non-chrome browser out there, but how hard is it to make an extension for firefox along with chrome?

I cry myself to sleep knowing that the extensions I want are available on Chrome and not on Firefox. And it's not going to get any better as Firefox is not gaining any users. Also, why the hell is this the case? I would pay to use Firefox! It's FOSS and it has so many features, Idk, deserves to be no 1, but it's f*cking dying!

There are some extensions I can't live without and only for those extensions I am forced to keep Chrome on my computer. I don't like Chrome and I don't want Chrome but I want them extensions :(

Also, how safe is Chromium? Is it de googled? I think I might go for de-googled chromium + Firefox from now on. I will uninstall Chrome. I have disabled updates for it anyways!


Modified post. Read the edit at the buttom.

Now, call me crazy, I don't think so! I have been an addict and I know how it is to be an addict, but I don't think sugar is as addictive as cocaine. And I really am frustrated with people who say such things.

This notion that it's as addictive drives me crazy! I mean, imagine someone gullible who says, well, "I can control my addiction to ice cream, heck I can go without ice cream for months, if it's as addictive as cocaine, why not give cocaine a chance? It's not like it's gonna destroy me or something?" Yeah, I have once been this gullible (when I was younger) and I hate this.

I do crave sugar and I do occasionally (once per week and sometimes twice a month) buy sugary treats/lays packet (5 Indian Rupees, smallest one) to quench that craving, but I refuse to believe that it is as addictive as cocaine or any other drugs. PS: My last lays packet was 45 ago and I am fine, and this is the most addictive substance I have consumed.

I am pretty some people here have been addicted to cocaine (truly no judgement, I hope you are sober now), so what say you?

PS: If you haven't been addicted to anything drastic as drugs, you are still welcome to chip in.

edit: thank you all for adding greater context.

I realize now that when they talk about sugar, they are not just talking abt lays and ice creams, but sugar in general. I get the studies now. But media is doing a terrible job of reporting on studies.

Also, the media depiction of scientific studies is really the worst. I mean, they make claims which garbage and/or incomplete data or publish articles on studies which make more alarming claims. Also, maybe wait for a consensus before you publish anything, i.e., don't publish anything which isn't peer reviewed and replicated multiple times. Yes, your readers might miss out on the latest and greatest, but it isn't really helpful if the latest and greatest studies in science aren't peer reviewed and backed up well by data.

I feel like a headline "SUGAR IS AS ADDICTIVE AS COCAINE" can and will be life destroying if you don't give enough information. I feel like there should be an ethical responsibility to not sensationalize studies, maybe instead of "SUGAR IS AS ADDICTIVE AS COCAINE" give a headline like "Sugar and Addiction, what science says."

also, ss of bing chat gpt answering the question.

some articles:


I have 10+ messages on Discord

I either want an extension to save discord messages as pdf or one single screenshot.


I want to know if there is a way to export certain messages on discord into pdf or jpg images.

Usecase: I ask doubts on Math discord servers, sometimes it can be concluded in one page (and I can screenshot it) and save it along with the question so I can have a look at it before exams. But some questions take longer discussions. Discord is chaotic and shi**y according to me. I want to have images or pdf locally. So, how would you go by doing this? This is a nice add-on which is available for Chrome too. But, it's a pain in the jazz and it really isn't better than a screenshot. I added it here coz I thought some of you might find this helpful.

I could have easily have done a long screenshot with Firefox's screenshot application (in the browser), but discord website won't let me scroll. If you guys can help me with the scroll thing then the problem is solved.

You don’t want to just save the text? It sounds like it’s just text information you want to save, so why not just save it into notes files, then you have the bonus of being able to search them

I am done! I could not find a valid solution, I am just going to include some filters in my ublock origin filters and do my screenshooting


I have 10+ messages on Discord

I either want an extension to save discord messages as pdf or one single screenshot.


I want to know if there is a way to export certain messages on discord into pdf or jpg images.

Usecase: I ask doubts on Math discord servers, sometimes it can be concluded in one page (and I can screenshot it) and save it along with the question so I can have a look at it before exams. But some questions take longer discussions. Discord is chaotic and shi**y according to me. I want to have images or pdf locally. So, how would you go by doing this? This is a nice add-on which is available for Chrome too. But, it's a pain in the jazz and it really isn't better than a screenshot. I added it here coz I thought some of you might find this helpful.

I could have easily have done a long screenshot with Firefox's screenshot application (in the browser), but discord website won't let me scroll. If you guys can help me with the scroll thing then the problem is solved.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Thanks for the downvotes. I need to search questions for an exam I have and I can't do that any other way. It helps me better search the net. I am sorry, it's good. I wish there was a FOSS alternative for it which does as good a job. So, here's how you use Bing Chat on Firefox

I know for a fact that this will cause problems, but I don't what kind of problems (I have experienced it once, but I rectified it by removing the settings that are mentioned above and I literally forgot about it) edit: Problem 1: Some websites won't load (not sure if it's related, but these websites have cloudfare "security" thing in them)

It was working until yesterday but it isn't now. It was a really nice tool to get better searches from the internet without doing it yourself. Now, I want to know if I am doing something wrong or if MS is shutting off Bing Chat for the infidels who don't use the holy edge browser. I remember this happening when MS first released Bing Chat. They probably let users use it on other browsers for a little while to make sure they become dependent on it.

I mean, we can modify firefox settings and make your browser look like edge, but I very vividly remember regret doing this because I faced a problem asap which was resolved by turning firefox settings back to normal (that one particular setting)


I was browsing the internet and I found this

Apparently, it's a squad of Russian Soldiers refusing to go back to the front line. The fat guy says they were NOT getting food or water (yeah I heard it), I am pretty sure he is right. So, what are the types of conditions you have to face to get water and food at soldiers? I mean, I can understand them not getting ammo and man power to get rid of the dead. Probably manufacturing problems and it's dangerous respectively. But yeah, what else? Why would they not get food and water?



Bing ChatGPT is THE sh*t man! It got this right in a few secs!!! WOW! Thank you to everyone who answered me, it's due to your help that I was able to solve it through Bing. But holy F, am I impressed with Bing!

I hate MS and I hated bing,BUT they have got something real good here.

find /home/$USER -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable -exec sh -c 'head -n 1 "$1" | grep -q "^#!/bin/bash" && cp "$1" /home/bob/Documents/Linux/Regularly_Copied_files_crontab' sh {} \;

edit: I just want to copy scripts in /home/$USER folder, not all the other subfolders.

edit 2: I think the better approach here would be to have two conditions.

  1. The file is in /home/$USER/ and not in it's subfolders.
  2. The file's first line should be #!/bin/bash

I don't actually need all executable files, I just want my bash scripts, but unfortunately, I don't have the good habit of giving the .sh extensions to all of them. These files are all executable, they all have a shebang line (`#!/bin/bash) as their first line, how can I copy them elsewhere? I mean, I know how the copy commands work, but I don't know if I can specify the pattern here.

How would I specify a cp command to only copy bash scripts to my docs folder?

Intended Use case: I am trying to create a command to copy all the bash scripts I have created in my home folder to my Documents folder. My docs folder is synced everyday, so I won't ever lose my scripts as they would be stored in the cloud.

find ~ -type f -executable

find /home/user -type f -perm /u+x -not -path "/home/user/Documents" -exec cp {} ~/Documents ;



Question 1:

I want to copy a file to clipboard, how can I do this using cli? I have this file "home/$USER/example.svg" and I want to copy it to clipboard without manually doing it. I tried to ask ChatGPT to help me with it, it didn't :(

I am pretty sure there is a copy to clipboard option in Thunar and Nemo file managers but I don't know how to use it. My google searches have been so far fruitless. Please help me copy it?

Use Case: I want to copy it and paste it to file. Obsidian is a text manager which supports Mathjax but not Latex, so in order to get a semblance of greater Latex support, I want to convert tex to svg and copy it from the folder to clipboard (without opening the folder) and then paste it.

Question 2: Do you have a anonymous file sharing service you use to share videos and images? If so, what is it? imgur helps with images and videos lower than 1 mins, but above that, it won't accept uploads.

Also, and seems to be ok ok in this regard. The problem is, I don't know enough about them to trust them. mehh....

Use case: If I have a problem with my system, I want to share the video of the problem I am facing to Linux forums and I want it to be instantly accessible

Question 3: Is it ok to move random file script you find on the internet into a root folder which is included in your $PATH variable?

I was trying to use this script and it is my understanding that if you have a script in a folder included in your path variable, then you don't have to actually specify the path to run it. You can just give it's name and press enter to execute it.

am I right so far and should I move that script into my path variable folder? What are the risks?


Ik, I probably should not be lurking on Reddit anyways, but we are missing a lot of communities here. The only communities I can reliably follow and get quality content is this one and c/linux, c/privacy and some FOSS subs

But if I want something else, reddit is the only alternative. Now, I don't want to give any more of my data and the government of India isn't really known for it's tolerance of free speech they don't like, so, is there a way to create an account on reddit using tor which won't be blocked as soon as it's created.

I feel like giving a email account would make it work (I have seen it remove many hurdles while using reddit without tor) so, is there a email service that reddit doesn't block which will make my reddit account created through tor as good as a normal reddit account.

PS: If I comment is posted then it will be visible on your profile, but it won't be visible to anyone else on reddit. You can't upvote. You are essentially a ghost, this can be very useful saving stuff and all, but without the ability to post, it isn't that helpful. Reddit automatically blocks protonmail and tutanota mails :")

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