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[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

No. I agree that liberal "democracy" is a sham. But the so-called "ratchet effect" is a useless meme. Democrats push us into reactionary politics too; they don't just "keep us from going left". The current head of the Democratic Party, occupying the most powerful political position in the world—more powerful than any king throughout the history of human kind—is the one of the most devout supporters of zionist genocide you'll find, chose to crush the rialroad strike, largely architected our system of mass incarceration and mass surveillance (he boasts of having authored the Patriot Act, and he actually pushed Ronald Reagan to go harder on the "Drug War" than the latter was inclined to do on his own), led the charge on indebting generations of college students, and is now on the brink of starting WW3 in the Middle East (after risking it in Ukraine).

Genocide is a non-starter, period. It is not, and can never seriously be construed as, harm reduction. Don't vote for fascists. Those actively enabling genocide against Palestine are fascists. Thankfully, there's no debating the genocide now if you have any honesty whatsoever. Liberals advocating for voting for genocidal candidates of either/any party can fuck right off and [redacted].

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

I mean, we'll never do it under capitalism, Gore. So you good with dismantling capitalism?

(Crickets, I'm sure.)

[–] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Nice. I gotta wonder why a flying schoolbus which lands in meadows needs a pop-out "kids loading/unloading; do not pass" stop sign on the side, though. LOL. 😉

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Only thing I'm going to (have to, unfortunately) buy today is a round in a couple dryers at the laundromat, because I've put it off too long already and the clothes line is currently a no-go due to weather. sigh

[–] 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I was going to make a funny or meaningful comment, but fuck: look at this shithole full of liberals. Place is getting worse than Beehaw, TBH. Might as well be back on Reddit.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (10 children)

That last line in the video. That's exactly what happens when they finally realize you caught them in the racist/revisionist shit. They go on the attack with something absolutely inane.

[–] -3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's good to document the resulting problems, but the analysis of the root cause is absolute shit and is clearly done by liberals (confirmed by them interviewing AOC and uncritically broadcasting what she says without calling her on her own support of colonialism, genocide, and capitalist exploitation). They blame this on a "lack of rules." Bullshit. If there were no rules (laws), the local population would simply kick the rich people out and expropriate their shit. I think you'll find there are plenty of rules and plenty of enforcement. The problem is just that all of that law and order is directed squarely against the working class and indigenous populations.

"More rules" isn't a recipe for fixing anything. People rising up is. Fortunately there was a little anarchist graffiti on that school's wall. So these liberal journalists are not the only people advocating for solutions.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I, for one, am personally inclined to completely dismiss this statistic as either engineered by survey designers or made up completely.... Why does the dairy industry desperately want us to think consumers are this dumb?

The liberal paradigm in general benefits (i.e. serves to better protect capital and state) by convincing us that other working-class people are stupid and cannot be trusted. That way we don't turn to each other and form movements for our collective betterment, but instead turn to the authorities—our oppressors—and beg them to take care of things for us, thereby surrendering absolutely all of our power. The "people are stupid" mythology is absolutely rampant in our society, quite intentionally.

Just sit back and trust "the experts"—your "betters"—and everything will be okay. Maybe if you're lucking you'll get to go to the voting booth every once in a while and submit your protest to management, but if you don't get heard, it's probably because you, too, don't know what's good for you, and should just shut up and trust the system. 😒

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I don't take that as a doomer view at all. It's the view that we must eliminate bosses. Which, to me, is actually a far more positive view than the one that sees having bosses as inevitable, but simply wants slightly higher compensation from the slave masters.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I'd say more that there's no such thing as a fair share as long as bosses exist. But yeah, also true: to take real steps in the right direction definitely requires exerting power, not begging.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Looks interesting. Local, resilient, community power stations are a great idea, even set apart from the dual use for fruit and veggie farming.

I worry that in this case, since the power isn't being delivered directly:

Lightstar’s community solar project will generate clean, local energy that home and business accounts can subscribe to a pay for portion of the electricity generated. This generation is then used as a credit to offset utility bills.

the existing utility company may be given far, far too much leeway to fuck people over, like in California where PG&E plays like crazy with the rates given to people pushing power to the grid from their solar panels, uses obvious rate differences based on time of day, and charges people fees just to use the infrastructure (which is absolutely fucking backwards, since every Joule of energy produced locally is a Joule that doesn't have to be transmitted over their infrastructure from distant power plants).

On top of creating local solutions, we need to start decoupling them from the centralized and capitalist-controlled ones, and/or regaining a great deal of political power so that we can start setting conditions of our own.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Excellent. Was going to recommend another, similar video, but it's one of the ones Second Thought links to at the end. Nice.

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