$80 for its 8GB

It seems like people really aren't reading the article.

I'm confused about what you want.

Mods literally got replaced by reddit because they refused to capitulate.

I'm not a fan of reddits choices, but if I was deeply involved in a community I'd consider staying to be part of that community still.

I think strawberry pop tarts have less frosting than all other flavors.

It's petty and small, but every time I have a strawberry pop tart the frosting is so thin that the holes on the top are clear through the frosting. No other flavor has this problem. I don't think it matters, but it feels like a conspiracy.

There are several jobs that are frequently mentioned in discussions like this that are actually thanked all of them time.

Nurses, teachers, fire, EMTs and police are always mentioned. They are hard jobs and mostly under paid. However they are constantly thanked, businesses give discounts and commercials and politicians thank them endlessly.

Grocery store workers, butchers, plumbers, electricians, custodians, truck drivers and most "menial jobs" are completely thankless. Think of the last time you saw a 10% off for nurses and if you've ever seen 10% off for overnight stockers.

I love that episode.

And the moral of "I can get stuff just by asking for it!" Is a real lesson.

"the soulless agents of orthodoxy!"

I don't care what rights they want to curtail, if they say they'll lower my taxes by a nickel I'll vote for them!

Brave is chromium.

Enterprise isn't exactly a representative sampling of star trek.

In TNG the only reoccurring villains that are more advanced than humans are the Q and the Borg. The iconians were super advanced, but are long dead. There are random space babies/sentient nebulas but most species are behind the federation in tech. Even the romulans aren't more advanced, just focused on war.

If you ever wonder how advanced humanity is in star trek, remember that Q is a reoccurring villain. Q has complete control of space, time and reality. The federation is so advanced God is an antagonist.

Give it another shot. It was legitimately cancelled too soon.

And if you watch it you'll feel your dream come alive at last, you will touch the sky. And they're not going to hold you down no more, no, they're not gonna change your mind. Because you'll have faith of the heart, strength of the soul.

I'm bugged by decontamination gel.

Why is it so randomly used? Why doesn't Shran have to use it ever? Did Phlox have to rub it on all of his animals? What's in it?

If you think it's crazy your school uses three year old programs wait until you find out how many businesses are running XP!

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