[-] ShaggySnacks@lemmy.myserv.one 2 points 14 hours ago

Perturabo would claim that they could fortify even better,

[-] ShaggySnacks@lemmy.myserv.one 1 points 18 hours ago

On behalf of all us plebs, we thank you for finding a billionaire to sacrifice.

[-] ShaggySnacks@lemmy.myserv.one 3 points 22 hours ago

Rogal Dorne, Praetorian of the Titanic, the Unyielding One.

Wolverine, Batman, Birdman, and Vulture all have to be played by Michael Keaton.

Wolverine cut themselves in half

New Wolverine "I am Batman."

Original Wolverine "Oh shit...I will have to try again."

New, new Wolverine "I am the Vulture."

Original Wolverine "Third time is the charm!"

New, new, new Wolverine "I am Birdman!"

Original Wolverine "Ah fuck this."

What about a Queue Mob?

Simple, tells you that they like to line up, and probably very orderly.

[-] ShaggySnacks@lemmy.myserv.one 30 points 1 day ago

Now, this is a sacrifice I can support.

"The libs would hate it, if you gave me money. We gotta own the libs."

[-] ShaggySnacks@lemmy.myserv.one 10 points 1 day ago

Be careful what you say. Some moron is going to try to show us there is a bottom.

Have you ever joined a British mob? They are quite orderly. The British will line up in a queue to take turns with goals of the mob.

They are only pro-Israel in because an united Israel will help kick off the events in the Book of Revelations.

We need a Wolverine version of Multiplicity with Michael Keaton.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.myserv.one/post/9823448

Driving the news: The high court voted 8-1 in favor of Starbucks in a case the company filed against the National Labor Relations Board involving the so-called Memphis 7, a group of unionizing workers who said they were unlawfully fired after they appeared in a TV news segment.

  • Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who's effectively become the court's lone labor supporter, wrote the dissent.

  • The decision will make it harder for the NLRB, the agency that administers the national labor law, to go after employers for violating its rules.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ShaggySnacks@lemmy.myserv.one to c/antiquememesroadshow@lemmy.world

Image Description

A man is pointing at the screen with a large smile on his face. The man has a large brim hat and a cane in their left hand. Top text on screen reads "Cursed magnets". Bottom text reads "I am confunded and perplexed as to how they doth work".


Image Text

A blob of a person peaking over a straight line with a very long nose hanging over the line. Two hands are beside the head. There is writing that says "Kilroy Was Here"

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