
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 5 months ago

I managed to find this post somehow but I can inform you that there's a community for Tsukihime that I've created early on, it's on a smaller instance that doesn't wage defederation wars so it should be accessible to almost anyone.

Additionally if you want to appear in our sidebar you can reach out to me over DMs on this account or PM me on mastodon at (this goes for any anime community; discoverability on lemmy is pretty lackluster)

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

It's sad that more companies are just willing to screw their customers and squeeze them dry of every last penny just for the sake of profit and infinite growth even though we know infinite growth will never be attainable.

Every corporate entity is willing to forfeit their goals for money, especially if they hold a monopoly in a certain space and when growth slows they will look for other ways to offset that income.

I've learned that loyalty means jack shit to the company and it's just another thing they can exploit you with, I'm not loyal to AMD but right now they're the least unethical party in this race to the bottom.

[–] 10 points 6 months ago (2 children)

NVIDIA finally being the whole bitch it seems, not unexpected when it comes to tech monopolies.

In the words of our lord and savior Linus Torvalds "NVIDIA, fuck you! 🖕", amen.

In all reality, a lot of individuals aren't gonna care when it comes to EULA B's unless they absolutely depend on it and this whole move has me want an AMD gpu even more.

[–] 7 points 6 months ago (7 children)

last I heard AMD is working on CUDA working on their GPUs and I saw a post saying it was pretty complete by now (although I myself don't keep up with that sort of stuff)

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Just came across it and it's more relevant today than when it was posted

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

They could bother with pulse, but IDK how portable the API for that is, also discord working on Linux is more accidental and this getting fixed might just be because they want it fixed on the Mac side too.

It's sad to see that discord has waited over 8 years to do this, but the whole thing is soydev code anyways.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (2 children)

From what I can tell they are working on updating their electron version to one that is aware of pipewire, this is the first part of solving the issue (especially for Wayland folks), the second part is just fixing some code in the client to deal with that and then it should be fixed until we deprecate pipewire in 2079. Additionally it would make discord finally act as a native Wayland app instead of being forced in xwayland.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

I heard of MakeMKV before, thing is that I generally don't buy blu-rays because of the downright horrible DRM schemes.

if DRM makes it harder for me to enjoy the content I bought and paid for (this includes limiting me to some lowres garbage even though my system is more than capable of playing HD and FHD video) compared to what I would get if I were to pirate it then it's a problem of distribution; not one of morality.

you will always have some group that pirates your content no matter what; but if buying gives me a worse product because of artificial restrictions put on it I can't give any less of a shit.
there's very few streaming platforms that even give me a decent option (and I don't even properly own my library; all I get is a license to watch/listen to something, one that could be revoked at any time in the future without me being able to do anything except complain about it).

[–] 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Most dvd's should be fine as VLC can play almost any of them.

BD is where things get complicated because of DRM, expect almost none of them to work thanks to big corpo telling us what we can and can't do with something you bought and paid for (sadly enough streaming doesn't get much better either)

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

If japanese kanji show as their Chinese variant make sure you are using the proper font variant. My recommendation is noto-sans-cjk-jp.

Fedora does allow you to set the locale, it doesn't mention generating them so they might very well already be present You can use to read more than I can tell you here.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

sxhkd/swhkd, both support creating these natively and the second one works not just on Wayland, but also X11 and the TTY.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

Exactly this worked best for me back in the day

Not just you, your brain is wired to pick up language, how did you learn your first one?

I’m German and while we have some mandatory English classes, they’re …well … not good.

I can attest that English classes here aren't great either (although most people here do speak English as a second or third language)

and at least the teacher I had first also had a VERY thick German accent

This is a known side effect of premature output (writing/speaking before you feel comfortable doing so), you don't just listen to what's around you, you primarily listen to yourself and pronunciation differs between languages, this premature output becomes toxic input for your brain which then uses that from then on (you can try and get rid of it; but it is really hard to do)

once I was halfway through the game my brain kinda switched to “English mode” and I actually learned words and grammar in a natural way instead of trying to force myself to understand what the hell a “singular past tense adverb” is.

Yup, that's natural understanding for you. When you speak a language you don't care about the rules; you should instinctively know them.

As for my issue with Duolingo: it ignores the amount of time it takes to properly acquire a language, if I were to split up all the time I spent watching english youtube into 5 minute chunks it'd take me well over 15 years (and that's just accounting for the initial 4 month span; I've learned more things after as I naturally used the language). Combine that with the fact it throws established research on this topic to the wayside to push the school-based one which we know goes against the natural way in which we learn. I found a great blog post online about this, while it mostly revolves around learning Japanese; the core principles apply to learning pretty much any language. The beginning of the post does sum the entire thing up pretty well though:

We do not recommend "language learning" apps like Duolingo, Lingodeer, Babbel, and others due to the fact that their methodology conflicts with AJATT's principles of immersion learning. Such apps do not actually help you with anything. There are no success stories. On the other hand, AJATTers typically reach fluency in just 18 months. The apps prevent you from reading interesting content in your target language, such as manga. And they make you more miserable in the end.

There are some really good parts in that blog that apply to any language; but a lot of it is geared towards Japanese specifically.


Source(s): Pixiv Gelbooru
Artist: Axia-chan (Pixiv) (Twitter) (Gelbooru)

Forgive me, Dearest Sister, for I have sinned...


Someone made a version of the original Tsukihime which you can read in your browser. It supports saving and loading and could be used to read the entire VN.

I haven't personally played around with it much; but from what I have seen so far it's pretty solid.

As an additional note the project is open source with the code hosted on github.


Source: twitter Artist: kin mokusei (gelbooru) @DOU_genzaka (twitter)

These legs could indeed run a marathon :sweating:.


Source: unknown

now that I'm not horridly late; but just ordinary late because I couldn't find the source, I tried my usual options but it's not on ~~Twitter~~ X nor any of the image boards with this content, even google's reverse image search came up empty on this one. What I did find was this Pixiv post but it seems to be a mass repost of other people's art, it did give me a version without any of the text which I now use as my phone's wallpaper.


Source: ~~Twitter~~ X
Artist: @ventvert0 (~~Twitter~~ X)

Honestly; I have no excuse for this one ...


there are a couple posts across lemmy describing how to use mastodon with the service; but I have yet to find one that sums everything up neatly. also I'm doing this in my own community for moderation purposes.

1. Viewing users and communities

Any lemmy user will show up in mastodon as a normal user and vice versa, posts/toots probably won't federate properly, and toots from mastodon will not show up in lemmy for the time being as lemmy does support self-posts.

Likewise any community will show up in mastodon as a user, but this user will function like a mastodon group, you can follow the account to "join" the community and it's posts should show up in your timeline.

2. Posting to lemmy on mastodon

This is the tricky part, while it is simple in theory; due to how both platforms differ you need to keep a couple things in mind.

  1. mention the account address in your toot ex:
  2. the first line of your toot is the post title, titles do not support anything beyond plain text so don't put mentions, links, ... here
  3. you can use markdown formatting on lemmy
  4. the first image attached to your toot will be the preview image on lemmy, any other images will not show up at all.

3. Comments/replies

Comments from Lemmy don't seem to federate through to mastodon (I tried a whole bunch of things across various clients and I didn't manage to get a single comment through. Replies from mastodon however seem to show up in lemmy just fine.

4. Notes

A lot of this is from personal testing I conducted using this instance, I highly suggest you try some experiments yourself from another lemmy instance if you can (of course without cluttering somebody else's community without permission) and try and help lemmy and mastodon out how to federate with each other if you can.


Source: Gelbooru
Artist: zap (Gelbooru)

I know I'm late with this one, but I was pretty much dead yesterday


Source: Gelbooru
Artist: i.f.s.f (Gelbooru)


Source: unknown (tried saucenao and iqdb)

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