Is that Callisto down there? 🤔

That's horrifying! I hope you're okay!

[-] 58 points 2 weeks ago

Did you enjoy humans spouting bullshit faster than humans can debunk it? Well, brace for impact because here comes machine-generated bullshit! Wooooeee'refucked! 🥳

[-] 70 points 1 month ago

Ahhh, I see the problem! ... The car drivers feel like fools sitting around in their enormous polluting wastes of space and resources but not going anywhere! So naturally everything good must be destroyed in the name of making the wrong thing feel better.

[-] 61 points 1 month ago

"It's not my code" "It is now!"

[-] 79 points 2 months ago

The "any backdoors we leave open for it" bit kinda sounds like straight-up complaining that they can't compromise users' security without compromising their own control over users' systems?

Boo fucking hoo, I guess 🤷

[-] 59 points 2 months ago

Signed up for stress, got stress 🤷 Does exactly what it says on the tin 😅

But seriously this world's fucked :| :(

[-] 117 points 3 months ago

Throwing together a service, telling no one, then promptly cancelling it (often because no one used it) is truly the Googlest thing.

[-] 75 points 3 months ago

I feel like corps have gotten bored with "you will own nothing and you will be happy" and moved on to "you will be owned and you will be happy." Like, damn, people are absolute livestock in a freaky fucked-up way. You "buy" something and it sits there extracting value from you. You "rent" something and it gets to enjoy the utility you provide, for a time.

Just seems like "ownership" is totally screwed-up wrong, y'know? One can't have anything any more, it's all corporate property they let us pay to install into our own lives for them. grumblegrumblegrumble!

[-] 63 points 3 months ago

Isn't that just a hate site? Idunno what kinda reason anyone's expecting but if one comes I doubt it'll even be amusing.

[-] 57 points 5 months ago

Anyone who didn't expect BG3 to win Game of the Year has been under a rock since it launched O.o Anyone who expected Starfield to win Most Innovative Gameplay, are you offering divination services to the public?

Damn, I know some people are dead-set on insisting that Starfield isn't that bad but... innovative?? Really??? Most innovative?!?? Baffling!

[-] 57 points 6 months ago

Wow, has it been that long since I last flew? We didn't even have the hole, let alone the tail gunners. Once we'd hit an aircow or two we'd have swarms of them coming at us constantly, biting at the tail of the plane. Meanwhile the first set of pilots are being replaced because the lack of cow catcher just let them right in through the front windshield. Truly a terrible experience, 7/10 would fly again but only on sale.

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