joined 1 year ago
[–] RQG@lemmy.world 2 points 10 hours ago

Bald dann nur noch einen Sender.

[–] RQG@lemmy.world 13 points 13 hours ago

Das liegt so offensichtlich an völlig unregulierten und nicht einsehbaren Algorithmen, die auf maximale Interaktion und Sucht optimiert werden.

Eine unregulierte Droge in den Taschen der meisten Menschen hier im Lande.

Psychologische Forschung in Waffenform, die ja schon vielfach für den Informationskrieg genutzt wurde.

Riesige Tech Firmen haben unseren kulturellen Austausch im Griff und pressen dabei Informationen aus uns heraus, die sie an den höchstbietenden verkaufen.

Für mehr Werbung die uns weiter Manipuliert.

[–] RQG@lemmy.world 2 points 13 hours ago (1 children)
[–] RQG@lemmy.world 14 points 13 hours ago

They know you can't improve on a master piece.

[–] RQG@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago

Die sammeln jetzt schon Gründe für den Moment, wenn sie die Verfassung dann abschaffen.

[–] RQG@lemmy.world 113 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Thierig also pointed out that sick leave tended to increase on Fridays and late shifts. "That is not an indicator of bad working conditions because the working conditions are the same on all working days and across all shifts. It suggests that the German social system is being exploited to some extent," he said.

How bad of a manager can you be to not understand this? When your sick leave is more than three times as high as the automotive average, then your working conditions are so bad people are getting sick. Being too exhausted to work or unable to take another day of horrid working conditions at the end of the week is a symptom of that. Not being able to make it through a late shift for health reasons is not abusing the Healthcare system. That is what it's for. Stop treating your people bad and they will be healthier and come to work. How hard is that to understand?

[–] RQG@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

Agreed. I think the metaphors and message was delivered in a clever if malicious way. But the ending would have worked as well if not better if trimmed down a bit.

The fight felt a bit lengthy and everything after the second substance dose onward could have done with some trimming Imo.

The practical effects were fantastic and also the body horror versus gloss contrast worked really well for me.

[–] RQG@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago (5 children)

Also wenn ich ein Programm schreibe, das jemanden beleidigt, bin ich auch fein raus?

[–] RQG@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago

Ich befürchte halt dass wir noch einige solcher Erhöhungen erleben werden bevor die anderen Punkte angegangen werden.

[–] RQG@lemmy.world 60 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Bürgermeister: Bürger sollen Sorgen mitteilen, aber nicht anonym

Er nennt es dann Denunziantentum.

Was ist der Vorteil, wenn man sich dabei outet? Dass man dann Rache Aktionen fürchten muss. Habe ich in meinem Umfeld erst erlebt. Da wurde säckeweise Müll in den Garten der Person geschafft.

Dass die CDU nichts von Privatsphäre hält ist ja auch nix neues.

[–] RQG@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

Für Ermittler könnte es künftig schwerer werden, Steuerbetrügereien wie Cum-Ex zu verfolgen.

Weil das ja so gut geklappt hat.

Anti Steuer Amnesie Gesetz wann?

[–] RQG@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

I'm the age of outrage laziness can become virtue.


Earlier today I was browsing through shelves at a toy store to look for a last gift for one of my daughters. That's when I hear an excited voice ask one of the store employees 'do you have dungeons and dragons?'. I listen in and learn that they do not have any DnD material at all and also can't order it. I walk a bit closer and see 3 12 year old ish boys and a girl with disappointed faces. The employee also can't help them where to find dungeons and dragons products.

Now I live in Germany where you can't find dnd boxes at the likes of Target like in the US for example. In fact I know of 2 stores in the whole city which carry DnD books and material.

I step in and ask if I may help out with the question. I tell them that there are 2 stores which carry the books, dice and more on the other side of the city. They said that's far away but they'll try to go there in Saturday.

We get talking and they tell me about how they are looking to start a dnd club at school and also play at home. They got a set of dice and saved around 70 euros for a book and maybe some more dice and such. I tell them that'll buy them the players handbook which is a good starting point and maybe some extra dice.

They ask me if I played as a kid and I said yes, in fact I still do and I'll be playing tonight. That's when I made a weird decision in my head. I had all my stuff already with me so I don't have to go back home between work and game night. I opened my backpack and gave them my copies of the PHB and Monster Manual. They were super excited and actually insisted to pay me but I'd have felt bad taking money from them.

I didn't want to post this as virtue signaling stuff or anything. It was just kind of a crazy decision I made that I think was kinda cool. They just reminded me so much of me when I started out. We were lucky to get our first dnd books gifted by an older brother of one of our group's members. So I wanted to pay it forward. Now I just have to figure out how to run tonight's game without my books.

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