
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 2 days ago

They could just watch some random let's play too. That's how I was hooked into the game initially

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

True, but I feel like having to reroute x86 calls to ARM will produce more overhead than just Proton.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I love my country /s

EDIT: Apparently the explosives inside were placed into the pagers by Isreal, but the CEO of this company support Orban.

"She also posted content that aligned with Hungary’s far-right PM Viktor Orbán. In a LinkedIn post a month ago, Cristiana called Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky’s government a “nazi regime”. "

I love my country /s

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

I'm really gonna be interrsted what kinda new ideas will they try with this mob vote. Also it's interesting that they will do smaller feature windows, whatever are they planning I'm in it.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Dayum letsgooooooo

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Well having online friends are sure than nothing, but they really want irl ones. Thank you for the advice, consistency truly could be a key.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah sounds like a good advice, I've hoped that this sorta event I've describe actually exists at you too, but too bad. Thanks for the infos though!

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah this was my initial idea to mention them, I hope they will give it a chance especially after trying that fishbowl event with 80 randoms. I'm too anxious for that dayum.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Absolutely! Damn I didn't know this thing is unique here.

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I haven't been in one (yet) but here is their short description about this party.

"Everyone will be seated at tables of four, and every 30 minutes your table and table companion will be drawn again. Neither the topics nor the composition of the company will be left to chance and company. Although we were very nervous about what four strangers would do to each other, it was so wonderful to experience how easily we are open to each other and how much fun it can be that we have since held nearly 100 of these clique-free parties!"!

As I see they usually meet at bars or community halls, and there is definitely some overseers probably since this organization has their own website, with a bunch of events listed and everything. Yeah it has an entry free but it's not much, like 5 eur or something. From the pictures I see some alcohol, so I would guess we can drink alcohol there.


I'm not a german fellow, but I have a netizen friend who feels incredibly anxious and wasn't able to get friends in school, due to immense bullyings. They only have friends from the internet, and they have tried to socialize in a fishbowl event but they weren't able to get a friend there as I feel it.

In my country there is an event organization called havervagy, which has a bunch of events, where everyone is spliited into 3-4 people sized groups where they can get to know eachother. Do you perhaps have something similar to this one in Germany? My friend lives in West Germany, closer to the border of Netherlands.


So I uninstalled Zenless Zone Zero yesterday via Wine, and it seems it just deleted every game, KDE configs, etc.

These weren't really an issue for me, but my old worlds have gone to waste too. Unfortunately, my drive is on ext4, and I haven't used Timeshift cause low storage space. Is there any chance for me to recover back some data?


Meta has already announced interopability opportunity since March 6. Has anything been made after that? All I know is that Signal apparently won't operate with them.


I'm trying to setup my first homeserver with pods alone but I can't add my mounted /data (it's an external HDD) folder to the root folder, but the /app and /config works. It's a common issue but somehow I wasn't able to solve it.

OS: Rocky Linux 9.3

External HDD (WD Elements)

external HDD in /etc/fstab:

# WD Elements drive
UUID=4655386a-5ccf-4c7b-ad6a-c0b90ccf8454 /home/privatenoob/media/storage1 xfs defaults 0 0


Description=Radarr Movie Server

ExecStart=podman run --name=radarr -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 -e UMASK=002 -p 7878:7878 -v radarr-config:/config -v /home/privatenoob/media/storage1/Filmek:/data --restart unless-stopped
ExecStop=podman stop radarr



drwxr-xr-x. 2 privatenoob privatenoob 6 Jan 17 16:52 Filmek

drwxr-xr-x   4 abc    users    139 Jan 18 19:44 config
drwxr-xr-x   2 root   root       6 Jan 17 15:52 data

chown -R 1000:1000 /data didn't work. It gave permission denied, even though I used root (probably this is because of -e PUID=1000?)


Hello there lemmings! Finally I have taken up the courage to buy a low power mini PC to be my first homeserver (Ryzen 5500U, 16GB RAM, 512 SSD, already have 6TB external HDD tho). I have basically no tangible experience with Debian or Fedora-based system, since my daily drivers are Arch-based (although I'm planning to switch my laptop over to Fedora).

What's your experiences with Debian and Rocky as a homeserver OS?


I'm on an Arch-based Linux with VirtualBox (generic installer, couldn't load modules with host-modules-arch) and I get this error whenever I try to import this OVA file:

Error reading OVA '.../coa-aio-newton.ova' (VERR_TAR_UNEXPECTED_EOS) Result Code: VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0X80BB0005) Component: ApplianceWrap Interface: IAppliance {86a98347-7619-41aa-aece-b21ac5c1a7e6}

Apparently, these OVA files should be unpackable but tar doesn't recognize it, and neither Ark or PeaZip can unzip this, but importing this OVA file works on Win 10.

I've tried using VMWare but that gave me an import error too. Why can't virtualization work at all on Arch-based systems?

Mafia 2 (

Not sure if you will find this funny, since this is song is known in hungarian communities, just experimenting.


Dear patient lemmings, I am in need of your help. I'm searching for games that have some GOD DAAMN OSTs and come with a great story or/and gameplay.

Games that tick these requirements for me:

  • Danganronpa 1/2/V3 + Ultra Despair Girls (most recently finished)
  • Persona 4/5 (waiting for Persona 3 remaster)
  • NFS Most Wanted (2005, 2012), Carbon, ProStreet
  • Doom 2016, Eternal
  • Test Drive Unlimited 2
  • Life is Strange
  • Ace Combat 7
  • Omori
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