[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 72 points 2 months ago


I wonder if somebody shot the guy?

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 74 points 3 months ago

Nice try, but you can't fool me!


[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 80 points 3 months ago

(1) ngl that is amazing, a heart-warming story

(2) still fuck Elon Musk

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 78 points 4 months ago

Can I just appreciate for a minute how this background is in dark mode rather than blindingly bright white? I cannot say how happy that makes me...

Well, I can try though:


[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 80 points 4 months ago

Their corporate website mentions that they use the data for marketing purposes. Whatever type of face they see - e.g. male or female, large or skinny, etc. - gets correlated with what was purchased, and then they sell that data for marketing purposes. Exactly like Google selling your search history, except with likely fewer restrictions in place.

Their website doesn't mention how often they get hacked to give away that data for free - to be clear, that data meaning A PICTURE OF YOUR ACTUAL FUCKING FACE. I don't know what resolution, or even what someone would do with it later, I am focusing here on the fact that the picture taking seems nonconsensual, especially for it to be stored in a database rather than simply used in the moment.

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 64 points 4 months ago

It's a good thing you added "acorn" there!

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 60 points 5 months ago

You mean like... oh purpose!?

There was a time long ago I did that to help them with their business. I've learned a lot since then and now I don't do that anymore.

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 60 points 5 months ago

I AM - Thank you for your service! :-D

And now as thanks, a picture of a cat for no reason whatsoever - as is tradition!

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