
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The ultimate goal of the WIneHQ team is to have their own fully DX12 implementation. The reason why vkd3d-proton exists is that Valve didn't want to wait for it to mature and AFAIK they did have differences in what should be included in vkd3d. Which is why they don't work on the same project.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I'm pretty sure vkd3d-proton does not rebase from vkd3d.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (2 children) I've found this (scroll down to #5 if it won't scroll automatically). It shows some tools that can be used to change DMI information for different Manufacturers.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago (4 children)

This is part of the motherboard and can only be changed with specific tools from the manufacturer. Back in the days there was AMIDEDOS as a dos tool to change it in AMI Bios. You would need to find out, what tool can be used to change it in your UEFI. However, it's possible that those tools are not available to the public.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (3 children)

If Amazon is unable to make sure you got no fake Plus if they are the seller, how in the world would they make sure the Select is no fake?

[–] 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (6 children)

They are both exactly the same, Select is just a rebrand of Amazon. Don't buy Select unless it is cheaper. And yes they work fine, have the Evo Plus 512.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Posting the required version to run the game is not trivial, as this is nothing we can just know, and it can also change with game updates. There is the Steam Deck verification information, which includes a Proton version, but this information is not reliable at all. Valve set Proton Experimental on all games that have not being tested, even on Linux native(!), so we can not take that.

However, we are thinking of changes and collecting ideas at the moment and any constructive idea and critique is welcome. My personal idea about the working Proton versions to show is to simply have a graph, showing the available proton versions with a color code, depending on the reports and their rating. For example:

And yes, people are reporting incorrect fixes, but this is the nature of user content. And it's impossible to curate them all, it's way too many. But you can always report a false/dangerous report on the discord or IRC (I wish we've had a report button on the page).

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The rating is calculated by the report of the users, there is no manual rating done. GTAV works for most people, but some, so it ends up being Gold.

However, these Medal ratings are carried over from the WineHQ rating, when ProtonDB was nothing more than a spreadsheet on Google Docs and was also used when Ratings were considered by the reporters itself. But this turned out to be a bad idea, as people tend to give platinum ratings, despite naming issues in their reports.

So the attempt was to remove the manual rating and instead ask the users about their experience with several talking points and consider by that a rating. This would still use the old medal system, which of course does not work well for such system. That's why a new tier system, which is more a representation between very good and very bad, was created, and you can see it on the dashboard (Change the Rating System to ProtonDB Click Play). However, this was considered as an internal test, but then the main developer was pulled away from ProtonDB for other work and all went basically to a hold.

Now the developer is back at work on ProtonDB and this will hopefully lead to a new and better rating system.

I hope this will shed some light on why it is what it is, and that no one is really happy about it.

Source: I'm one of the administrators on the ProtonDB discord.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

No it wasn't. Naughty Dog announced it would run on the SD, but it wasn't. It got verified only on June 13th. Just have a look on the history:

[–] 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

At the moment, the Ally makes news about their bad build quality. I'm curious for how long the hype about that device will last, the Steam Deck still holds up so far.

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