
joined 1 year ago

Have I got news for you…

What was she supposed to be reformed from? Lashing out at the guardian who lied about her age and abused her with munchausen by proxy to the point of matricide? Something tells me she won’t be a repeat offender.

Pepsi Zero is better. Coke Zero started me in the low calorie soda, but I stay for Pepsi.

[–] 13 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I’m putting it out there now, cringe will continue to evolve and the feeling will get elaborated and exaggerated until the new version of cringe will basically be imploding into yourself like a black hole or being spaghettified.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I'm not super versed on monitors outside of stage performances, and I didn't do acquisitions. Don't most people who use IEM's for standard audio use a nice driver or prefer a device with a good audio out and lossless format compatibility? I guess I kinda assumed if you cared enough to distinguish using monitors instead of earbuds you care about other factors too.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Cool. You know that the majority of people have no clue what that even is, and that wouldn’t apply to those folks.

Anyway Congratulations on having a nice investment piece for your audio enjoyment

I broke one off into a jack in my entertainment center computer once, ruined my week until I could get money to fix everything.

[–] 24 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (8 children)

That’s the joke. There were a lot of mislabeled media back then, basically anything funny was Weird Al, anything rock was Metallica except that one song about Zelda, that was totally SoaD, etc etc. All of them were wrong, and god help you if you try to download a movie. 50/ 50 you now have to figure out how to digitally shred your hard drive so you don’t get v& by the feds or b& irl.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Well, in the linked comment, on the second line where it says to import the converted epub into editing software like sigil,there was a link to a piece of software called sigil, it’s for editing EPUB files, and it’s called sigil. It’s the second link in the comment that takes you to the EPUB editor software called sigil.

I have been tempted to upload them for others to use, but all the authors that I’ve done it for are really small niche community authors, and I do not want to take support away from them.

Just because I’m a broke ass bitch and have decided to re-copy them however I see fit for my personal consumption, doesn’t necessarily mean I want to become a bootlegger publisher.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (7 children)

If they were wired I bet you’d have to untangle them more often than you currently charge them

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Comment here

I’ve been doing it for years to my personal books I download that I can’t find in ePub, I have no issues with my sanity. I also usually do this before I read the book, and double check my editing as I read it. 98% of the time I caught all the errors that were not present in the original text (it copies typos perfectly) .

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (9 children)

A decent pair can charge enough for hours in minutes. When they about to die, pop one out and into the case, let it charge until the one in your ear is dead or dying, swap them out, 10 minutes and you’re back to stereo for a few hours.

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