
joined 2 months ago
[–] 1 points 4 days ago (3 children)

i'm all out. I've been healing consistently off of nuts i got in Honest Hearts and mole rat meat, my chosen play style of shooting things with a grenade launcher has been more of a curse than anything.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

i'll probably be sticking with NV for a while since it fits with my schedule (except for multiplayer games i play with friends, i tend to give those priority over single player games)

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

i've been itching to get back to it. i'm glad i finally fixed the bug i was having with VATS

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

So far, it's Mobius. I liked Klein a lot too though.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I’ve been playing on Steam Deck. I had a save on Xbox but when I made the jump to PC I bought RDR later that same year.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago

I’m just trying to find something that sticks with my schedule right now. I recently became really busy last August, so outside of multiplayer games it’s hard to find a Game that really sticks with my schedule. So I bounce around a lot looking for something.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago

Some of them are multiplayer that I only really play with friends (Halo, Zomboid, etc). Other than that I just had a large backlog of games I was working on, but now I’m trying to find a single player game that fits with my schedule so I’m bouncing around until I find something that sticks

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Oh yeah. I just meant like a larger scale 24/7 server. Something where I can see it grow when I’m not there

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

The whole game is gorgeous. I’m in love with the water especially. There’s just something I find very charming about it

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

That’s really fucking clever. As a Programming major I love seeing Art and Programming combined like this. It’s amazing to me

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I started doing that for my entire library after setting up a Media Server and dumping my BluRays and DVDs a while ago. I figured having those backups would be good. The hard ones are going to be my N64 cartridges I think, since there’s now CFW for the N64 and there’s no way to connect it to the PC without an external device.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Not to sound greedy, but I was planning to keep these backups for myself. I don’t have anything rare, so anyone who wants the same games I have can easily get them from other places.


Today’s game is Red Dead Online. Me and a friend climbed a mountain we climbed a while ago (I may have actually shared that screenshot before). We figured out we could ride the others horse. So we rode from Ambarino where we were Wagon Surfing and decided to scale the mountain again and take a picture. This was somewhere in the West Elizabeth Region by Strawberry. I later threw us down a cliff and killed us both on my horse (all in good fun).


Today's game is FF XIV. I didn't do much today except play some FF XIV. i took this screenshot right outside Ul'dah after doing the Copperbell Mines quest.


The game is Sea of Thieves. Me and a friend did a Skeleton Camp, and after getting the treasure from the room in the screenshot above (worth 20k), we were attacked by these guys who rammed us. They sank our ship before we could get back on, so i spawned the ship back in, raced to pick up my friend. Then i sailed past the outpost, my friend jumped off to sell it while i sailed away as a distraction. Then once all our stuff was sold we hit anchor and attacked them. For a galleon manned by 2 guys, i think we did really well. We still lost but they took on a ton of water and after they sank our ship we went for the old bucket strategy and started filling it with water. It was a lot of fun. Whoever that crew was i owe them thanks for giving us an adventure.


A friend asked me to see how well Watch_Dogs runs on Steam Deck for them. I booted it up today and ended up just spending all day driving around the city and fleeing from the cops for destroying stuff. I took this Screenshot after doing one of the few missions i did. I took it in the Loop section I believe.


The game is Final Fantasy XIV. I had a friend wanting me to give it a try, and he bought the standard edition. So my hand was kind of forced. Here's a screenshot i took of the city i started in, Limsa Lominsa, after it started raining. You can see the tail of my Carbuncle there peaking over the top.


The game is Phasmophobia. A friend bought it for me so we could play together tonight. I took this in one of the early houses tonight. I know it's not too interesting of a screenshot, but it was floating there along with a picture frame and a phone. interacting with them made them vanish. ik there are ghosts in this game but i suspect this is not from one of them. It was interesting and i wanted to share for the night


Today's game is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. today was exhausting and i really didn't feel like continuing Jedi Fallen Order tonight (still loving the game though), so i decided to take it easy and play Ocarina Of Time. I have a lot of fond memories of this game ever since i played the 3DS remaster in middle school. I'd probably put it in my top ten games of all time. I played through quite a bit and made it to Dodongo's Cavern. I've gotten kind of invested in this save so i may keep this up since i can milk a good 7 hours of battery life out of it on my steam deck and keep Fallen Order for when i'm at home on the Dock.


I was laying No Man's Sky with a friend tonight after cleaning up part of 100% of L.A. Noire (Got all landmarks and Street Crimes!). I'm still looking for the new floating islands they added, i'm half convinced i made them up in my head. I found a sentient orb i tamed with some creature pellets. I named him Orbo. Interestingly my friend claims he is a "bloody red pulsing orb" on their end, instead of how i see him, so he may be just a little cursed.


I was playing Sea of Thieves with some friends today. Game bugged out or something because they started rendering as skeletons instead of their avatars. So i guess i have my own literal skeleton crew now


Finally beat the AT-ST fight after getting a chance to tackle it again (I struggled way more than i should have on it).

spoilerI have to backtrack again too Zeffo, and ended up force shoving this clone trooper into a wall. the entire time he was yelling that he was going to get me and that I'm running away scared.

Would also love to point out that i love this games graphics. I feel like almost everywhere I've been has been gorgeous


I was playing Fallout 76 with a friend tonight and I found a fish in a toilet. It made me laugh more than it should have. This is what I chose to share tonight


I had a long day and decided to take things easy, so i played some Minecraft. Here's the little house i built. I went with 1.5 because that was the version i grew up with (Technically Xbox 360 Edition TU3, but Java 1.5 was the version i felt was closest to that)

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