
joined 11 months ago

Yeah if thats an option, but most things in a provincial liquor store are not local. Most spirits and wines are imported.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Why even risk it? What other way are evangelicals going to vote?... I guess "peoples party"?

Yes thats one of the opt outs they would have had before. That being said there is no timeline on it, there are still 6 EU states which dont use the Euro and are supposed to change to it in the future. Only denmark has a permanent opt out.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Yeah Northern Ireland could basically just vote to join Ireland.

Scottland would have a harder time. As much as i support the idea they would have to leave the UK, develop an economy good enough to meet the joining criteria (might need to create their own currency), then get permission to join from all member states, including the ones with seperatist movements which dont want to be seen as lenient towards seperatist causes.

It is possible as they could likely use the Euro in the mid term (but this would cause their borrowing rates to be higher than if they had their own currency, as they have no control over monetary policy) and maybe the countries with seperatist movements wouldnt care as they're leaving the UK. But its a bit of a gamble..

Edit: added clarification about currencies

[–] 15 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Its not up to the UK. Its unlikely the EU would let them back in so soon, and if they did the UK would be in a weak bargaining position so they wouldnt get all the opt outs and exemptions they had before. Also EU progressives seek greater integration and the UK was the loudest voice against it. Its a lose lose.

As its been 8 years from the vote and the paperwork still hasnt been figure out, its probably going to be another 20-30 years until things have simmered down enough that people can objectively look back and say it was the worst decision in modern history without people getting all pissy and defensive (most of them will have died of old age). Then they can apply to join again.

"Fire the cybernukes!"

That table probably smells very bad

[–] 26 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Content never really dies, it's just recycled to lower and lower tiers.

[–] 8 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I would not be surprised if it just nuked the player

So i clicked okay, not because i trust them but because they just said that THEY would stop showing me ads... They didnt say that they wouldn't keep farming my data and selling it to other parties.

I didn't read the whole contract, but from the blurb i got thats certainly what it sounded like

As a canadian id be happy if we met the 2% gdp target, as an engineer i see it as public spending to help boost our high tech industries and prevent skilled workers from packing up and leaving.

But the government needs to carve out an agreement as a part of NORAD where canadian companies can sell defence products to the US without being american owned and 51% american operated.. otherwise were just paying money to lose industries and the biggest purchases most of our governments will ever make just go to building industries and jobs in other countries. Imo thats why we currently dont hit the spending target, wheres the economic benefit in an age of economic problems?

[–] 10 points 3 months ago (1 children)

As an engineer i hate both, technical sales never have an understanding of their product and are never able to answer any of my questions (because i've read through the datasheet as their words are meaningless to me) but they are mooooorrrreee than happy to schedule an in person meeting to come to my office and show me their product line.

Tell me what i want to know or find me someone who can, im not going to buy 10,000 of whetever if i cant even determine if they will work for my use case.

The last time i had to deal with one of these assholes it took 3 phone calls and 2 emails to get a simple answer which wasnt in their datasheet, which was all of one page long.

My favorite experience with technical sales is we had these component guys come in, they had openned up our product and wanted to show how much better their "equivalent" components were (genuinely a great idea), but they had no context as to what the components were being used for so they all fell flat.

In my experience both are only a waste of my time.

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