I meant scientists did too. They thought it would take way longer to turn bad than it actually did, at least most of them thought so. Would probably be interesting to do a meta-study on how much the corridor of estimates narrowed or widened in the IPCC reports over the years, and in which general direction they trended.
To my knowledge yes, "we" did. Actual measurements have turned out to be on the pessimistic end of the spectrum of predictions or beyond consistently. The first IPCC report that got really into doomerism was the one from 2021, that was supposedly leaked for fear of political censorship:
IPCC steps up warning on climate tipping points in leaked draft report
Scientist for the first twenty years of my life:
We are destroying the only ecosystem supporting human life, it's going to start being really bad in a hundred years.
Scientists for the last ten years of my life:
Haha, we might have been a bit optimistic on that estimate, this new data looks really bad. Oops.
Anti-doomers the whole time:
Hey don't be alarmist, you will just make the public apathetic and nothing will get done.
The public:
The fuck are these fucking idiots sitting in the god-damn road for? I gotta get to work, move it!
*doing nothing*
Die Bundeswehr benutzt bereits einen Matrix-basierten Messenger, den BwMessenger, und die Firma welche den entwickelt hat arbeitet gerade auch an einer Version für den ÖD im Allgemeinen, den BundesMessenger. Ist technisch gesehen noch in der Beta, aber die haben das komplette Backend containerisiert und einen eigenen Client entwickelt. Vielleicht sieht das ja für eure Admins ein wenig überzeugender aus als ein (zugegebenermaßen komplexes) Matrix-Backend selber zusammen zu frickeln:
https://gitlab.opencode.de/bwi/bundesmessenger (Das info
repo enthält Stoff zum einlesen)
What would be the advantage of running Nextcloud as a docker, instead of within a VM?
- No idea really beyond the usual VM/container trade-offs, I guess it would allow you to use orchestration tools and similar for Docker.
What would be a sensible way to have an incremental/differential backup of the VM/Docker?
- If you use Proxmox as your hypervisor it comes with a sophisticated backup solution, probably the same for ESXi or whatever. Not sure about Docker.
The storage usage of my Nextcloud instance exceeds 1TB. If I run it within a VM, I will have to connect it to a 2TB SSD. Does it make sense to add the external storage space to the VM? [...]
- That's what I would do at least. Connecting external storage space to a VM/container is relatively trivial and Nextcloud recommends to separate binaries and data directory anyway. Plus this allows you to use different backup strategies for data versus binaries+metadata.
In case you haven't yet, I'd also recommend taking a look at this: https://github.com/nextcloud/vm
It's basically a collection of three shell scripts to install, manage, and update Nextcloud. Last time I tried it also worked on LXC/LXD, not only VMs. It would probably work on Docker as well and has some files related to that in the migrate/docker
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