
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

I see. So you have no data, just spouting off. I change my mind when presented with data/sources. But that was never your goal.

[–] 0 points 12 hours ago (3 children)

If you want to continue off the point I made that the crime was that he was there with a gun at all... Show some data on the exception to the law in the state this happened. And I don't know what land you live in. Seems pretty insane to spend more than other countries on Healthcare and get worse results... or that the law protects businesses right to sell more tickets than there are seats on a plane. And of course rental car reservations. Government for the people by the people protecting businesses instead of the people.

[–] 12 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

300 miles really isn't very far for hurricanes to penetrate. And Asheville is a bowl in the mountains. So water runs to it, and drains out. It just can't handle that much rain at once. It's probably happened before, just long ago.
That said, I sat on my deck most of yesterday. It was the kind of weather we used to get all summer long 30 years ago. Now it only happens briefly in the spring and fall. Summers are becoming unbearable. Wildfires are the result.

It can influence a jury, sure. But it isn't proof of much of anything other than his poor mental state, and how brainwashed he was.

[–] 0 points 17 hours ago (5 children)

Sure there is. If you are in a fist fight, and the other guy draws a gun and shoots. Now you can fire back in self defense. And the law in the state he was in doesn't have any mention of "not if you instigate it". You are welcome to your opinion, but it doesn't change the law, and really has nothing to do with my comment. Your motivations are a bit like Kyle, you just needed to be seen making a statement, even if it had nothing to do with the comment you replied to.

Hope the info sec guy got some hazard bonus. Doubt he/she would ask for it though.

Well, with the way prisons are managed, this might be better then dying from heatstroke in a box in the yard. And that's a pretty sad state to be in.

[–] 16 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Missing the "oh shit need to fix this other thing but I am in the middle of a big change,,," flow. I use git stash, but I wish I could include files that haven't been added and I wish it could be tied to the branch

I agree it will help. But all the advertising will still probably dominate who wins the most votes. The people paying will just not buy advertising for the politicians who don't tow the party line.

I don't have one in mind. That's the issue. If I could think it, someone surely would have made it.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Yeah, but it still shows on the bill. My wife wouldn't like the idea of "paying" for porn. Free is fine though. She is also a bit paranoid, so having my own card would make her uncomfortable.


What alternative ways can you think of to handle making legislation and passing laws that would negate the increasingly polarized political climate that is happening in more and more countries?


So they say that sitting too much shortens your life and all that. They also say that most of us sit incorrectly. I know I do. I constantly slide my butt forward and slouch. And I was thinking, what I need is a seat belt to keep me from sliding forward. But such a thing doesn't seem to exist. There must be some problem with them that I am missing. Since Lemmy has lots of desk jockeys, I figured I would ask here.


The wife and I are getting older. We have been working for decades at this point. But we are too young to retire, and we had kids late. But one of us could totally switch over to a lower stress second career. Ideally something with benefits, maybe even a chance to get a pension. And since we still have kids, needs to be flexible. One of our kids has autism, so lots of random doctors appointment and stuff.
We both work with computers all day. What are some good options for a second career that doesn't need to have long term growth potential. We have 8 years where ideally both of us are working so we can cover each other with benefits if something happens. After that, the kids are out of high school at least. So it isn't like it would be a "short" term career/job. Just not a 30 year thing. And ideally, something that could at least partially be done at home.


I know the board has some fiduciary duty, but can a company put some guardrails on it when they go public, like saying the environment will always come first, or employees or customers or something?


It's been a grey winter, and looking to stay that way. I work remote, so I was thinking of getting an SAD light. But I remember from years ago when I had one (and worked in an office) that if I put it next to my monitor it gave me a headache and made my monitor hard to see. Those of you using SAD lights, where do you put them, how long do you use them per day and all that?


of course he suggested $1


what movie has the greatest turnaround. Like all hope is lost, people are fleeing or whatever, and something happens, then everyone rallies and of course wins the day.
Its in tons of movies, usually pretty cheesy. But there must be some that do it right. What are they?


my daughter seems to like scifi. We watched enders game, lost in space series (the new version), arrival, I am mother, and she liked them all. Can I get some more suggestions?

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