
joined 1 year ago

Hi all.

I had taken a break from posting to my magazine due to the lacking in effective moderation tools, especially bans not federating, an issue I don't see a solution for happening any time soon, but I'd quite like too post again. So my question:

I have seen mention in passing of mods saying they have locked a post to comments, and specifically yesterday a mod from said they were going "to disable public posting and lock all threads". Which made me think that that might work for me.

However, from kbin it looks like I can still comment on posts in the community they said they were locking, so is this an instance-only solution, in a similar way to what banning users seems to be, where it only works locally, but people on other instances can go on interacting externally without issue (and without the mods being able to do anything about those external interactions)?

Is there an existing* way to just post image links to the fediverse without having to worry about moderating the comments because they're disabled across all instances? I'm not in it for the internet points and am more than happy for people to repost the content I share if they want to have their own conversations, I just can't take it on myself to keep the trash out if I can't actually keep it out.


*I don't have the knowledge or spare time and energy to invest in learning and then maintaining a self-hosting situation, so that won't work for me


3 panel comic
1 photo of wipers on a car window that have had 6 crayons put in between the two
Troll face drawn on top, saying "This will be hilarious!"
"Mom turn on the windshield wipers!"

2 top text: Expectation
Photo from inside a car looking out at a rainbow created on the window by the crayons in the wiper
Derpina is behind the wheel smiling saying "Oh you guys!" "lol lol"

3 top text: reality
Photo of car crashing


The lesser-known "Schrödinger's Tube" experiment.


Photo of hover board from Back to the Future
Bottom text:
you have 3 years.


Photo of 2 cows in a field looking in to the camera, behind them is a big fire
Bottom text: HAD


Photo of Wolverine
Top text: God help me..
Bottom text: My balls are so itchy


Photo of a foot up on a kitchen counter next to a kettle and bottle of milk, it has a teabag and some loose sugar on it
Text: "I'm sick of being treated like a mug..."


Photo of a weightlifter with weight seemingly levitating in front of them, bottom text: weight lifting level: Jedi


Photo of an excited looking adult mounting a coin operated horse ride, bottom text: I'm on a horse


Picture of Super Mario jumoing, text: what doesn't kill me makes me smaller


Top text: Clint Eastwood above a photo of Clint Eastwood facing right
Middle text: Clint Westwood above a photo of Clint Eastwood facing left


Photo of a slice of ham split in 2, one is labelled West Ham and the other East Ham.
Photo of the whole slice of ham, labelled Fulham
Photo of empty plate with crumbs on it, labelled Nottingham

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