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Baldur’s Gate 3 ruined Solasta for me…
My only real hope is that just as WW2 gave us nuclear power, microwaves, atomics, and accelerated technological development, that any future war will end with the technology to save our world and the will to use it.
There’s also aliens 2027 but I’m not gonna hold my breathe on that until I see some drones say hi.
Yes. As an American I can’t help but think of how difficult and expensive the war on terror was to wage and how not only did we lose but we may have inadvertently help start a global jihad in the future we pissed off the Iranians so bad.
Not to mention how Germany failed to get the UK in WW2 and how without the literal mafia we’d have not taken Sicily and gained a solid foothold in Europe. Even China is hesitant to invade Taiwan and they wrote the fucking art of war.
I think a lot of tyrants like the idea of invasion until they realize how fucking expensive it is to move war equipment across water and that unless you have the actual Mandate of heaven and earth behind you so to speak, you won’t have competent people with you. Trump doesn’t have that, he didn’t win the popular vote or by a large margin which is what the mandate requires, half his voters hate Musk, and he’s driving away more smart people than attracting. Doesn’t matter how effective and coercive your spy network is, takes hearts and minds to win long term.
My bad for misreading that. You aren’t wrong there. I’m telling them to look out for their communities, learn useful wartime skills, and to make friends. Being sweet doesn’t save you from tyranny, strength does.
I don’t like Kentucky but damn do they have good state motto.
Yes, you moved to Canada to get away from the US. And yea, a bit.
There’s only one of you and you do not seem like a general to me, just a pissed woman.
It’s not but it is for society to be strong and work well just as it men’s duty to make sure women are doing well too. Seems to me you wanna break the societal contract because you’re a sexist feminist.
Congrats, I hope that works well for you. Sure you left the US shitshow but if you think Canada isn’t one too just wait. Everywhere has shit, humans shit, it’s nature.
Yeah don’t put effort where it isn’t reciprocated that’s a bad deal for men too.
Then you get Trump…. See what I mean? Oof.
Because going to war with people who like the cold is always a good idea.