
joined 2 months ago

I think the mirror universe arc was the best.

As someone who enjoyed S1 the most, I completely agree. The closest trek yet came to “prestige” and then it slipped away :(

[–] 32 points 5 days ago (1 children)

“The house I grew up in was built by the Dublin Corporation,” Meaney says.

“How could we build houses then and can’t build them now?... It’s fking Thatcherism, Reaganism, the neoliberals and the trickle-down economy that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael both bought into, [the idea] that the market will sort everything out. B***ocks.”

Our boy doesn’t hold back and I’m here for it! Wink


I actually read somewhere that Archer did nothing wrong and afterward I began remembering all these scenes haha.

Archer did nothing wrong

As an Archer fan… bwahaha. He knew it was wrong, there’s too much dialog around suspending moral codes and the like.

Eg one of my fave episodes Harbinger:

PHLOX: Captain, this man is dying a painful death. To keep him conscious is unethical.

ARCHER: Until I get the answers I need, we're going to have to bend a few ethics.

PHLOX: Very well, I'll do what I can.

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I am mildly annoyed when an action scene essentially pauses so the heroes can have a small dialog scene.

I always find myself wondering: isn’t that bad guy, hull breach, detonation timer etc still there?

Gimme those guest stars from ntsf:SD:SUV:: 🤞

DAX: I hope you're not holding back because I'm a woman. If it makes things any easier, think of me as a man. I've been one several times.

think of me as a man. I've been one several times.

We could do this all day, I just reached for this example because of my recent run Gowron of episodes 🖖

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

If you do that you miss much of the best Trek villains:

Kai Wynn and Gul Dukat

They are part of reason folks are advising you to hang in there.

But ultimately just enjoy it and skip any episode that is boring you; if you make it halfway you’ll probably want to watch the few relevant ones you skipped.

p.s. Buckle up 🖖

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Enterprise all the way.

It starts strong with lots human/vulcan conflict and then eases into 2 seasons of TNG-style adventures.

Season 3 is an imperfect masterpiece that ultimately delivers some incredible episodes. This is where Enterprise comes into its own.

Season 4 is more like a collection of 3-parters that sees the crew touch on all the lore they missed in the first 3 seasons. Satisfying but a different vibe.

Highlights include:

  • Captain Archer feuding with Duras
  • Dr Phlox improving every episode he appears
  • Lt Reed vs Major Hayes
  • Grapplers!

Low points include:

  • Decontamination
  • Archer/Tpol tension
  • Cogenitor episode
  • The finale

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They're the things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are. If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my ~~pain~~ privacy taken away. I need my ~~pain~~ privacy!

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Came here to mention La Sirena from Picard.

Hologram bridge crew with fully hologram passenger quarters, the introverts starship par excellence 👌

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Quick someone animate it ~~for the masses~~, ~~for the children~~, for me!


House of Quark is a high point where he saves Quark’s life and allows a Klingon woman to inherit her own house.

Tacking Against The Wind is a low point where he is reduced to a cartoonish mustache-twirler.


Possibly unpopular opinion: Harbinger is one of the absolute best episodes of Enterprise


These episodes live rent-free in my head.


They cranked it up way past 10, all the way to 24.


I look at you, and I see the person I was three years ago. The explorer that my father wanted me to be. I lost something out there, and I don't know how to get it back.

This one hit me hard after everything that happened.


I'm finding it a very root-beer-flavored entry in the franchise.

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