
joined 3 months ago
[–] 20 points 4 days ago (1 children)

ze button and launching ze nukes.

But I'm Le tired.

Have a nap, then FIRE ZE MISSILE!

[–] 6 points 4 days ago (1 children)

that has happened due to enormous errors made by the organisers.

And the police.

[–] 28 points 2 weeks ago

Doesn't matter if true or not, I choose to believe this now. Nobody ask for sources!

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Boost has that option under settings>filters & blocks>muted instances. You have to type in the instance address but it worked for me at least.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

This account is not even 12 hours old and is writing wild comments. Most likely a troll Account, just block and move on.

[–] 12 points 3 weeks ago

For example Hypothyroidism, Cushing syndrome, pco-syndrome or lipedema and several metabolic deficiencies. Then there's also a plethora of psychological issues that can influence the metabolism and eating habits negatively. Even the social status has an proven effect on the bodyweight.

All we have is a couple of pictures of the child, it's impossible to tell what is going on.

[–] 21 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Well, one of her kids is obese, and I would call that abuse.

Personally I wouldn't be so quick to judge on that. 1 out of 3 kids we can see in the photos is overweight, the other two look healthy. There might be something else at play with that one child, which is out of her control, we don't know that.

[–] 1 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

The linked article doesn't say it was a AR-15 it says assault-style rifle and I would consider the specific model to be splitting hairs, since it hardly matters to the conversation.

But to be truly pedantic the article a little further down specifies it as an Assault style semi-automatic rifle, so fair enough.

but to clarify that fully automatic weapons are much more rare, and much more dangerous.

Agreed. Still, semi-automatic assault style rifles pose a unique danger in that they could be "upgraded" to fire full auto, although it being illegal. Most of those are derived from regular fully automatic weapons and the layout allows them to be converted more easily. For example a SL08 with I think 4 parts switched can be operated like it's military counterpart, the G36.

[–] 3 points 4 weeks ago (11 children)

Afaik there is no state where an underage person is allowed to handle assault style fully automatic weapons without the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. So even if it is his gun, it falls under parental supervision until 18 years old.

Semi automatic or hunting rifle is a little more murky.

Anyway I think that your comment nailed it - a person under 18 was able to obtain and handle a gun without supervision is a failure to secure.

[–] 93 points 1 month ago (4 children)

“useful idiots” comes to mind, though one might qualify that as “suddenly rich, useful idiots.”

First of all - hilarious sentence.

Second - Tim Pool is the incarnation of useful idiot, no surprise here.

[–] 21 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Schockierende Neuigkeiten, hätte man doch bloss Anhaltspunkte gehabt, sowas wie einen geopolitischen Leitfaden der in russischen Macht und Militär Kreisen äußerst weit verbreitet ist und möglicherweise an russischen Militärakademien als Lehrbuch gehandhabt wird um Russlands außenpolitische Zielsetzungen abschätzen zu können 🤔

Schade ist auch, dass so ein Leitfaden nicht schon früh vorhanden war um die geopolitischen schachzüge zu analysieren bevor sie in Kraft treten.

Hätte beispielsweise 1997 ein berühmter russischer Demagoge mit guten Kontakten in den Kreml solch einen Leitfaden geschrieben, am besten mit einem sehr eindeutigen Titel wie beispielsweise Grundlagen der Geopolitik dann müssten wir jetzt nicht alle überrascht ~~tun~~ dastehen.

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