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[–] Legge@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I too would rather stand in the median of a busy highway interchange for 12 hours a day, in the rain or snow, with a bag of my stuff getting ruined, holding a sign and watching everyone turn their head away from me to not make eye contact, day in and day out, than get a job. I'm so glad you understand


[–] Legge@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

What they're saying is that the assistance is so little that, even with it, people are still dying from malnutrition.

How? Because nearly everyone who is poor enough to qualify for food stamps doesn't have extra money to buy other food.

After rent, renter's insurance, internet, utilities, household toiletries, maybe a new (used) piece of clothing sometimes as things wear out, car insurance (bc good luck affording to live somewhere with any decent public transportation or having your work/home near enough to use it), car payment (because try saving up for even a used beater while being poor enough to qualify for food stamps), health insurance (even if the actual insurance is free from the marketplace, there are still copays, medicine costs, vaccinations, etc.), haircuts sometimes, etc. etc. etc. there's just no money left.

And this is assuming that people have time and energy to cook for their kids because food stamps doesn't cover fast food or prepared food. What it does cover is cheap food (and more expensive healthy food, but when money's tight, you buy the high calorie per dollar foods, not the $4 container of lettuce). This cheap, bad-for-you food is less nutritious. And now we're back at malnutrition.

[–] Legge@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

There are some standards. The ingredients are listed in descending order of size (ie the first is the largest).

They can get around this in a few ways (though this isn't really relevant here), such as for example preserves having this ingredient list: blueberries, sugar, corn syrup. Even though the amount of blueberries is technically larger than both sugar and corn syrup, sugar and corn syrup (still basically sugar) can add up to much more than the amount of blueberries. By including multiple types of sugar they can sort of hide the fact that the largest ingredient is some form of sugar

[–] Legge@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago

For some people who aren't too picky, it might be a one-stop shop. Also true for some basics, like bread, milk, eggs, some produce, or common frozen stuff.

If you are looking for extra variety or less-common ingredients, you'll have to also shop at a bigger supermarket. But since we usually use cars in the US, it's not too big a deal to do both the same day

[–] Legge@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

It doesnt though? Unless n=2.

Your equation simplifies to 1/2 = 1/n

[–] Legge@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago

Indiana has stopped that thankfully. Several counties near Chicago (northwest IN) and near Evansville (southwest IN) are on central time and the rest of the state is eastern time, but everyone changes for daylight saving time now.

[–] Legge@lemmy.world 17 points 6 months ago (6 children)

This looks a lot like Indianapolis. The bridges like this downtown are awful, but also how did they manage to get the truck so stuck??

[–] Legge@lemmy.world 20 points 6 months ago

Herd immunity means it's effectively eradicated, meaning that enough people are protected from it that the virus cannot readily find new hosts and basically "dies out" in the areas in which herd immunity is reached. That's why severely immunocompromised people, eho often cannot get vaccines or cannot mount a response even if they do get vaccines, do not get, e.g., polio. If only the majority didn't get the virus, those who are susceptible (the minority) still would, but this doesn't really happen (in places where herd immunity is reached). Other places around the world may still have the virus floating around, but after a while at the herd immunity level in a location/ country, it is effectively eradicated.

[–] Legge@lemmy.world 12 points 7 months ago (1 children)

The two big problems for me are (1) increased slowness and lag, and (2) phantom notifications (a red 10 dot in the bottom notifications but I click in and see that it's empty)

[–] Legge@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago (4 children)

It's correct how it is. It's acting as an adjective, as if you said "red shelter." "Migrant's shelter" would mean the shelter belongs to one migrant. "Migrants' shelter" would mean the shelter belongs to a group of migrants, which is also incorrect because they do not own it. Hope this helps :)

[–] Legge@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago

Yes, I think it comes from the same rule. Estados Unidos is plural, so the abbreviation is doubled single letters. Sometimes English does this too (pp. for pages or §§ for sections). There are other examples in Spanish too.

[–] Legge@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago

It matters more, in my opinion, for stuff like pizza because there isn't already flour. The melting is noticeably different between shredded mozz and a block of low-moisture you cut or shredded yourself. But for cheese sauces and stuff I agree there isn't really a difference

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