I'm scanning the article for the part where she or members of her family voted for trump
joined 1 year ago
Tesla's latest decline could be one for the history books - $795 billion since Dec 17 or 53.7 percent
If I was a stockholder I would be suing the board for mismanagement--- we all know what the solution would be: get ride of #Musk.
From what I understand Musk and Larry Ellison are no longer the largest stock holders so for them not to get rid of him from management and the board is pure breech of fiduciary duty to the stockholders
Every year for I don't know how long there have been the mass assortment of "Jodi is leaving!" "Peter is leaving" along with the "Ratings are horrible, show being cancelled!" and "Show is ending because ______" along with the "Worst season ever" and "Horrible writing, it's the actor's fault!" crap ----
He's not going anywhere for a while.
You could use Tail Scale. It runs great on a Pi