
joined 1 year ago
[–] KasanMoor@beehaw.org 1 points 1 year ago

Kicking my way through Ultima I, a partner gave me two more weeks to beat it and I think I can probably do it in one... day... if I get my mind into it.

Also trying to beat Guardian Tales in the same two weeks since it's been on my phone so long. I want to get it off my phone so I have more room for other things, but I feel like I'm far enough into it I shouldn't just toss it away without completing it.

[–] KasanMoor@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

Perhaps there was some confusion or miscommunication here. I'm not asking to convert him to my religion, make him "more liberal", get him to be a mini-me, make my work life "easier" by making him more "standable" or anything like that. I am personally able to work just fine with the kid as it is, and have no professional issues with them.

I do not feel I have any sort of agenda I'm pushing, I just see them exhibiting misogynistic behaviors and drifting towards a subgroup that's known for mass shootings, and I think I can in any way help prevent him from going that route.

[–] KasanMoor@beehaw.org 1 points 1 year ago

Ooh! That looks doable!

[–] KasanMoor@beehaw.org 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Is there a service that is only email? Most of the offerings in those packages are either too much bloat of applications that are unnecessary, and/or are too expensive for what they actually would provide that we would use.

I'd much rather keep using the tools that we're used to and have set up than move to a different ecosystem, especially one that tracks a lot of the data we use with it

[–] KasanMoor@beehaw.org 13 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Haha, I'm no saint, I'd like him to be better than that!

But more seriously, I agree I'm not responsible for others' routes in life, I said so at the end of my post. However, there are certain behaviors that society in general tends to disapprove of, and incel behavior is one of them. If I can help him move away from that path with my actions, I'd say that's worth doing. No?

[–] KasanMoor@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I'm not terribly worried about a service seeing my traffic, the initial concept was for a self-hosted server to run a business email and site and some tools on, but I can't do email through my ISP without paying an arm and a leg, and my business doesn't make enough for that...

[–] KasanMoor@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks! I'll look into that

[–] KasanMoor@beehaw.org 13 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Huh, that's an interesting route to take. I worry it'll become too similar to the trap of "pink isn't a girl's color, it's actually a boy's color and they switched in the XX'th century and it's the color of blood so it's manly" that I've seen a lot of people fall into (kicking myself because I was one of them). It's not a bad step to be in, in that it helps normalize normally "feminine" actions/dress/etc. as things men can wear, but it's also just... still gendered unnecessarily?

To be clear, I haven't watched it yet and still intend to, I just worry about that from your description of it.

[–] KasanMoor@beehaw.org 11 points 1 year ago

The disappointment approach is my jam! It's what helped me turn things around, and it's what has worked so far with this kid. I'm just calling it out here because this was way better worded than mine, and needs the ups so if anybody else is looking for ideas they know this one is great!

[–] KasanMoor@beehaw.org 14 points 1 year ago

I definitely do some level of this but I can step it up for sure. I'm the only guy in my position and while I have about five years of experience on any of them I respect them all and give them the same deference they do me, we're one big team and all in the same position, nobody's anybody's boss in any way.

I don't talk about my wife enough though, I could do that and hopefully at the same time counter the "boomer humor" comic sorts of jokes


I'm aware most ISPs do not allow for port 25 to be open for email use outside of business licenses, but at what level is that controlled? Can I get around that by owning my own router? Owning my own modem or ONT? Or is this just a thing they mystically control further up the pipeline that a relative layman such as myself can't get around?


Personal background: I strongly feel just about everyone grows up and has something shitty about them. I know growing up I definitely thought and said some less-than-ideal jokes about women, minorities, etc. And while some of that was the proverbial 'the times', and some was growing up in a sheltered hyper Christian southern American conservative situation, I regret my actions and am happy I grew past that. And I do think people, especially younger, can grow past their shittiness, especially with the help of others, which was true for me too... When I got my first W2 job a superior I looked up to helped mold me into a better person by calling me out on things and modeling a better behavior.

Current situation: I'm now the supervisor position, have been for a decade (retail is a trap) and I've taken that to heart, calling out jokes that aren't funny, etc. But recently we hired a new kid who acts really incel-ish, and who apparently has attached himself to me instantly. I've had moderate success so far just telling him his 'lol women dumb' jokes aren't funny, and modeling how working with women is... normal? Anyways, I don't wanna screw this up so do y'all have any suggestions for me to help keep him from going down an unfortunate path? I know at the end of the day I'm not responsible for others' routes in life, but I feel we should all do our parts.