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[–] Kacarott@aussie.zone 3 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Who here is claiming that there are moral facts? Of course morals are constructs of human culture, but that doesn't make them less important. Morals are essentially what we have learned to be important rules for good, healthy societies. Humans who abide by the idea that it is "wrong" to kill another human are far more compatible in a community than ones who do not. These concepts have developed over a very long time, which is why we tend to "know" when things are wrong (eg feel bad, guilty conscious, etc). One of these "rules" is that needlessly inflicting pain on intelligent animals is wrong. Similarly, causing unnecessary damage to the environment is wrong. The context of climate change is quite new, but the principle is the same.

[–] Kacarott@aussie.zone 14 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Ok but idk if the flying atrocities that are mosquitoes deserve a title as high as "animal" tho

[–] Kacarott@aussie.zone 6 points 1 month ago (7 children)

I really don't see how they are strawmen. The vast majority of people do not need meat, the reason they eat meat is because it tastes good. Taste is merely one of our senses, why is it ok to kill to enjoy the taste, but not ok to enjoy the sound or sight? That's what the meme is getting at.

Nature playing out

Why is this an argument, when it isn't an acceptable reason for anything else? Rape, murder, thievery are all things that most people see as wrong, despite them happening in nature plenty.

One of the things that makes humans unique is our ability to consider logic and mortality beyond what happens in nature, because nature certainly isn't perfect.

[–] Kacarott@aussie.zone 0 points 1 month ago

I agree not everyone can refrain from eating meat, but waiting until everyone is doing it before one stops eating meat is a good way to ensure it never happens. Veganism has grown to where it is now from people deciding to adopt it for themselves, regardless of other people are doing it.

But yes you are right, the argument shouldn't be "you should feel bad". I think educating about the problems of the meat industry, and also making veganism ever more accessible and normalised are the ways forward. But it will spread person by person, not as large communal decisions. At least not yet.

[–] Kacarott@aussie.zone 6 points 1 month ago

Mosquitos have been causing humans harm since forever. If the vegan idea is too reduce harm then maybe vegans should be obligated to kill the sadistic little fuckers

[–] Kacarott@aussie.zone 1 points 1 month ago (4 children)

This is a bad faith argument, similar to saying "so you've never left a light on all day?" To someone protesting climate change.

The point of veganism (besides the environmental side) is that there is far too much unnecessary suffering caused to animals; complex and intelligent animals, because of the meat industry. Of course humans will probably always cause death and suffering to animals and even other humans, but accepting this and taking it as a reason for "why should I care at all then" is ridiculous.

[–] Kacarott@aussie.zone 4 points 1 month ago (10 children)

Attaching a system of mortality to a diet is just religion

... what? I'm sorry, but this simply doesn't make sense at all. By this logic what is wrong with cannibalism? Attaching a system of morality to that diet would just be a religion right? And I'm sure eating human meat has all kinds of nutrients.

[–] Kacarott@aussie.zone 12 points 1 month ago

I was trying to rank up in Codewars, and there was a 1kyu (hardest and worth the most points) kata only available in OCaml, so I learned it in order to solve.

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