Yeah, someone else explained that they were refugees from the Vietnam War. That's what I get for making assumptions.
Oh gotcha. That makes sense.
Okay this is gonna sound dumb but I'm bad at history. Is the reason there are so many German Asians because of the Axis during WWII?
Edit: Ah, it's because of the Vietnam war. This is mildly embarrassing but it's better than staying ignorant.
Yep. Very solid take on the genre.
Just gotta move the data to the other end of the drive.
Kinda all over the place. Blasphemous 2, Sea of Stars, and Halls of Torment.
Nah man, I've been told by rich people that competition under capitalism is the only way humans can invent anything ever!
Jfc people will pump out an article about anything if it'll get clicks.
It's this a meme or some legit Preggers U crap?
Jesus Christ you're an npc. I feel like I could write an AHK script that mimics you exactly and I'm not eveb a coder.
Oh, sorry, I don't think I realized I was on /c/Nintendo. Though it's always hard to know what past me was thinking, hahaha.