
joined 6 months ago


[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I gotchu, boo πŸ˜‰πŸ‘Œ

Dear @HilaryRClinton@clinton.dynasty,

Anyone that can be funded endlessly by a corporate and capitalist elite can become president.

If billionaires and corporate leaders decided tomorrow that you should be president, they could dump millions of dollars and a few years worth of hired professional help and they'd make you president.

It's not the will of an individual person or a personality that makes a president ... it's whichever group of wealthy backers who decide to fund the campaign ... after that it is j just a matter of how much money they are willing to spend to make it happen.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I think the point of the post is merely to point out that in four decades, at least one of three families has been in each election. Statistically, if candidates were freely chosen at random from the top 0.01% of Americans, that would be insanely improbable. It's pointing out that presidential elections aren't the American people picking the best person in the country for the job. There are influential factors other than who-would-be-best at face value. In other words, the people aren't given a list of American citizens with their characteristics and asked to chose the one they would prefer. The people are told to pick one from a very select few that have already been approved. Whether those candidates have climbed a ladder or been given a silver spoon is irrelevant to that point. The matter is that elections aren't entirely free in spirit.

It also serves as an argument against social mobility and merit in the USA. Dynasties are government systems in which the ultimate power stays within a family. We're told that it's because of whatever bs reason with the family being divine or superior, but the reality is that when the ultimate power rests within the same family, the people that benefit from that also stay in power. It's a system that maintains those on top on top. Having presidential dynasties shows that social mobility in the USA isn't as fluid as commonly thought.

[–] 60 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Fed prosecutors have a 97% conviction rate. The dude is gonna role a 100-sided die and needs a 98 or higher lol. He is done.

[–] 27 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

I remember one from 3rd grade. We were all quiet working on an assignment. Our teacher was loved and respected, so we behaved well. You could ~~here~~ hear every single thing in that room; it was that quiet. Shit, it was so quiet, you could hear the quiet. So a kid named Alex gets up to talk to the teacher, but when he stands up, he rips a loud and crispy fart. It was a textbook fart, crescendo-ing an octave of pitch. If you can hear it your head now, then you know what I'm talking about. The kid froze with an embarrassed smile and holding a paper. We could see his face start blushing. The class erupted in laughter. He sat back down, folded his arms on his desk, and hid his face in them.

It was at this moment that we all realized Alex was bad. Jk. We thought it was really funny and that's it. Alex and I went to different schools from 4th - 9th grade, but I ran back into him at school in 10th. We took a summer class together. The dude was a trip. Funny af.

edit: see strike through

I don't see that as cringey. She was just scared 😟

Biden is loyal to Ukraine because the wife of the mayor of Moscow gave gim money. The wife of the mayor of the capital city of the country that invaded Ukraine gave Biden money for him to use the US government support Ukraine against Russia. Makes perfect sense πŸ‘Œ

[–] 16 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

I would have liked her to trigger his anger. He needed to lose it on stage while she laughed at him being a big baby.

[–] 48 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

According to Trump, leaders all over the world are calling and going to see Trump to laugh at the USA.

So like, which ones? Which leaders are visiting Trump to laugh at the USA? And why is he accepting them over and over? Why are world leaders wasting their time laughing at the USA with Trump? Tell us, Trump!

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)
[–] 30 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Wtf was that rant about Biden selling the country to Ukraine?? lol


I've seen videos on it from leading YouTubers. They do a good job at covering the maneuverability of it, but they don't explain enough of the electronics to satisfy my appetite. I understand that it's is great at electronic warfare due to advanced processing power from advanced chips. What are they doing with all that electronic power, running an LLM chat bot to deceive the enemy in their own language and ray tracing graphics on the helmet HUD?


There is an extension/add-on for Firefox called Video Download Helper that lets users download embedded videos from all sorts of websites. While it works as a simple Firefox add-on sometimes, for a remarkable portion of sites (e.g. on Vimeo) it says that it cannot do so as installed and states that the user has to install the companion app to their computer. Does anyone know if this is safe or is installing it placing myself in any risk? If you suggest against installing the companion app, do you have any other recommendations on how to download videos embedded videos from websites?

Edit: I'm on a Debian-derivative distro.


Referee, umpire, official, judge, etc. Why are there different names rather than just one?

edit: by request, stewards also.


Ok, the title was an overuse of emojis as a joke. But seriously, I like some limited use of emojis because it helps me convey intention/emotion so that I'm less misunderstood and also adds some more feeling/fun to text content πŸ˜„


Car insurance is relatively simple. I shop around, telling them how much coverage I want. They request my driving history, and give me a quote. At any time, I can shop around and change insurance policies without any problems. Once it's time to collect payment, it's a relatively simple matter. What makes health insurance so difficult, controlling, unreliable, and expensive? For example, with health insurance:

  • Can only shop during a specific enrollment period

  • Policies are so complex, the vast majority of the population can't understand them

  • It's commonly provided in part by the employer because buying a policy otherwise is prohibitively expensive

  • Insurance companies are notorious for denying payments


It's basically the same thing, but out of the other end of the GI tract πŸ‘ŒπŸ’¦πŸ’©


I'm asking because as a light-skinned male, I always use the standard Simpsons yellow. I don't really see other light-skinned people using an emoji that matches their skin tone, but often do see people of color use them. Maybe white people don't naturally realize a need to be explicit with emoji skin-tone or perhaps it's seen as implicitly identifying or requesting white privilege.

  • Is there a significance to using skin-tone emojis, and if so, what is it?

  • Assuming there might be a racial movement attached to the first question, how does my use of emojis, both Simpsons yellow and light-skin, interact with or contribute to that?

Note: I am an autistic white Latino-American cis-gendered man that aims to be socially just.

Autistic text stim: blekh 😝 blekh 😝 blekh 😝 blekh 😝 blekh 😝 !!


Say there's a forest, but there's a small cleared area where a family can build a place to live. What's the geographical term for that?

Edit: The word I was looking for was a clearing. A glen was suggested as well, but that is a space between rolling hills, while the space I was thinking of was on flat land.

Thank you everyone!


I'm interested in hearing about the personal experiences of living in the USSR without making it a political conversation. Rather, just what life was like, the good and the bad, from a nonjudgmental human perspective.

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