
joined 1 year ago

Apple disputing tests by watchdog that showed radio frequency exposure was higher than permitted.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

That's the site not working in microsoft edge neither. I just tried the troubleshooting mode in ff, still the same. It does work with ff on mobile though. Luckily i ordered my new kettlebell last week when it still worked, gonna take a while 'til i need a heavier one :)

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Actually i don't remember all, since i followed links from other sites. Others i found a workaround. The only one i tried to make work and still can't is

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yes, that makes sense.


Yesterday i upgraded ff to the current version and since today i experienced problems with a bunch of different sites. Either the cloudflare verification sends me into a loop or i get through and the site's not working correctly. Some others work, though. Disabling add-ons (noscript, ublock) and allowing all cookies didn't help. Most work with microsoft edge, but i don't know if the others worked with edge before.

Does somenone have info on that or experienced the same problem? I'm not sure is it just a coincidence or does the update cause the problems.


I found a workaround for some. First i set the cookie block from "all cookies" to "all cross-site cookies", then i allowed via STRG+i to set cookies for the refreshed page. Then i set the cookie block back again.

I assume cloudflare changed the address for some of their cookies which got blocked by ff.

The only one still not working (so far) is It's not a big shop, their software might produce their own shenanigans. I'll shoot them a mail later.

Edit2: works now too. Whatever it was got fixed.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Welcome to the internet ;)

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

For now i just block the communities as they show up, same with shitposting communities and other stuff i've zero interest in. Waiting for the ability to block entire instances.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I have cookies and javascript completely disabled and can read it without any problems. (firefox on laptop, noscript, idontcareaboutcookies)

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I have cookies and javascript completely disabled and can read it without any problems. (firefox on laptop, noscript, idontcareaboutcookies)


The risk, explains Yuste, is that the same tools which – in medicine – can help improve people’s lives, can also end up violating the information stored in the brain. “Although the roadmap is beneficial, these technologies are neutral and can be used for better or worse,” he notes. This isn’t only about securing personal data, such as shopping habits, a home address, or which political party one supports – it also involves things as intimate as memories and thoughts. And, in the not so distant future, even the subconscious.


"Animism is about Relationships." ... "It becomes a lot harder to mistreat the environment and damage it when you see it for what it really is: a web of relationships you are part of. "