[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 41 points 1 month ago

This boy is purposefully being misleading about himself - he is presenting a con. We shouldn't be victim blaming.

submitted 2 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/science@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org
[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 36 points 2 months ago

All I can say is, good luck

submitted 2 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/science@beehaw.org
[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 37 points 2 months ago

I’d have the decency to have a conversation about it

The blog post here isn't about having a conversation about AI. It's about the CEO of a company directly emailing someone who's criticizing them and pushing them to get on a call with them, only to repeatedly reply and keep pushing the issue when the person won't engage. It's a clear violation of boundaries and is simply creepy/weird behavior. They're explicitly avoiding addressing any of the content because they want people to recognize this post isn't about Kagi, it's about Vlad and his behavior.

Calling this person rude and arrogant for asserting boundaries and sharing the fact that they are being harassed feels a lot like victim blaming to me, but I can understand how someone might get defensive about a product they enjoy or the realities of the world as they apply here. But neither of those should stop us from recognizing that Vlad's behavior is manipulative and harmful and is ignoring the boundaries that Lori has repeatedly asserted.

submitted 2 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/usnews@beehaw.org

AI will soon be grading AI submitted papers, certainly nothing can go wrong here

submitted 2 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/science@beehaw.org

Relevant quote:

After the pilot period, Garcia and the team issued a survey to the clinicians, asking them to report on their experience. They reported that the AI-generated drafts lightened the cognitive load of responding to patient messages and improved their feelings of work exhaustion despite objective findings that the drafts did not save the clinicians’ time. That’s still a win, Garcia said, as this tool is likely to have even broader applicability and impact as it evolves.

Link to paper in JAMA (currently open access)

submitted 3 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org
submitted 3 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org
submitted 3 months ago by Gaywallet@beehaw.org to c/science@beehaw.org
[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 38 points 4 months ago

This really does not surprise me one bit. But also, nobody using these tools really cares. It reduces the amount of applications they need to review, which is often all they care about. Can't wait for the inevitable company to pop up which will do the AI equivalent of SEO stacking your resume so you can get a job.

Also, perhaps more importantly, this is just going to undo fifty years of antiracism and antisexism work. The biggest problem with AI is that it's trained on a bigoted system and when it's used to gatekeep said system, it just creates additional inequality.

[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 34 points 4 months ago

Yup! I immediately sent this link to anyone who's had to deal with the "throw a chatbot at it" management response

[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 41 points 4 months ago

Often times they are laid off, with a generous multimillion severance package

[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 31 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

You're absolutely correct, yet ask someone who's very pro AI and they might dismiss such claims as "needing better prompts". Also many people may not be as tech informed as you are, and bringing light to algorithmic bias can help them understand and navigate the world we now live in. Dismissing the article just because you already know the answer doesn't really encourage people to participate in a discussion.

[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 41 points 8 months ago

That's not entirely true. It's meant to categorize fields of study which try to pass themselves off as scientific, that is to say that they follow the scientific method. To call something pseudoscientific is to say that they aren't following the scientific method. Fields of study which rely a lot on biases, exaggerated claims, are lacking rigorous attempts of refutation, etc. fall into this category.

[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 33 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The wonderful thing about human drivers is that they generally listen to instructions from first responders and are pretty good at realizing when they need to get out of the way. Even when they do not speak English, they are typically responsive to gestures.

Entirely unsurprisingly, existing resources are putting together plans on how to deal with this problem and what they'd like to see in terms of changes from AV operators and the companies which operate them.

[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 31 points 10 months ago

reminder to be nice on our instance

[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 31 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

And if the racist is here to cause problems rather than commiserate with fellow racists, they now know exactly which community to avoid, thus restoring moderation problems everywhere. I don't think anyone is asking you to moderate every instance to ensure they are sticking to your TOS or your viewpoints, but it's a very minor ask to not showcase off the racists and transphobes and bigots on the 'join this platform' page.

[-] Gaywallet@beehaw.org 37 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Don’t want to be defederated? Don’t let chuds and bigots on your instance. It’s pretty simple.

While this is the main reason for defederation, I think it's important to recognize that humans are going to human and as of such you're going to have defederation over extremely petty issues. In human history we've literally started wars over petty issues, costing countless lives - defederating is small stakes in comparison.

With that being said I agree with other posters that defederation is a tool. Just like any other tool it will be used in ways not everyone expects. A hammer can be used as a can opener if you really want. Or as art. Or in an elaborate machine. Tools may be designed for a purpose, but humans are creative and you can't enforce that tools are only used in certain ways.

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