
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago

But if I can't needlessly denigrate Mr Snowden, how am I gonna convince you that Men in Black was a documentary about the real aliens that are real and really landed on Earth and work (for real) with the US government?

With credible evidence? But I don't have any because my guy is so much better than Edward Snowed-in off in Russia!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Also the "people these days aren't going to want to make art unless they can commercialize it" sentiment.

For as long as there has been art, doomsayers have been complaining that they've lived through the last of it to be produced.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

We already know what happens when regulations are eased. People die, profits soar, workers are abused. It isn't some philosophical theory, it's what happens. It's what has always happened throughout history.

That's why there are regulations in the first place. Because horrible things kept happening to people and we collectively decided that it would be better if that didn't continue. Shitty things happened and as a result, regulations were put into place. That's what happened and that's the reality we live in. To suggest otherwise is to live in a fantasy land.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

So you're just going to ignore reality in favor of what you think "should" be happening.

If someone like you was in charge, we'd swiftly find ourselves living in company towns and working 18 hour days on assembly lines, only to be swiftly culled the instant some form of automation made us redundant.

You say you're aware that there will always be people to take advantage of a situation where there is absolutely no protections for the consumer, but you are woefully ignorant of the scale to which advantage would be taken.