He looks like a bitter old fuck. Same expression my grandma always had.
We got the new Kona and besides the touchscreen we have all the buttons.
Life’s lonely at the top. Get used to it. lol
Took em almost 2 months to realize. lol
The lord works in mysterious ways.
That’s why I love brands like Hyundai. Never got rid of the knobs.
lol, yes. The first avatar was mostly goosebumps to this day but avatar 2 was „wow, that looks nice. When does the plot start?“
Regarding the fountain, I always wanted to see that movie because it looks interesting. But I heard a few times now that it’s not really good.
Is that… Joey?!
Good… let’s be precautious
Let alone a person in his position could afford a good spray tan. He looks like he smeared shit all over himself. I can’t understand how one person can act so confident and self convinced looking like this!
lol, true. At least Lynch‘s version is a entertaining fever dream.
How optimistic of you thinking he has a dick. He’s a clean cut choir boy. Aaaaaameeeeen.