[-] Elegast@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

Not my type of humor. But cheers, to those who like it.

[-] Elegast@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

well, time for me to unsubscribe from this community....

[-] Elegast@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago
  • Strong locks on doors and windows.
  • Reinforce doors and windows with bars or metal.
  • Create hidden entrances or passages.
  • Use guard dogs to deter intruders.
  • Keep heavy furniture near entrances as barricades.
  • Set up alarms or noise-making devices.
  • Assign a guard or sentry to watch over the room.
  • Use traps like tripwires or pitfalls.
  • Conceal valuable items or use secret compartments.
  • Explore spells or enchantments for added security.
[-] Elegast@lemm.ee 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

yeah thats fair enough on the wordage.

Im rocking a 3070 and 11th gen i7, but only 16gb of ram.

still pretty quick imo

Prompt: Gandalf the Grey dressed riding an ostrich, epic fantasy

Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 4.5, Seed: 1771905785, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 4199bcdd14, Model: revAnimated_v122, Version: v1.3.0

Time taken: 3.08s

[-] Elegast@lemm.ee 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

absolutely this. I have been messing around with this for about a week now.

super fun and easy to set up. I used this since I wanted a docker env.

Prompt: sad monkey working at a computer desk, realistic, office setting Negative prompt: digital art, happy, smiling Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 4, Seed: 509018188, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 4199bcdd14, Model: revAnimated_v122, Version: v1.3.0

Time taken: 13.62s

Torch active/reserved: 2214/2992 MiB, Sys VRAM: 4145/8192 MiB (50.6%)

(side note, Does anyone know why I can't upload pictures directly from web? getting SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data )

edit: its because of size....

[-] Elegast@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

Oh interesting, I'm curious on the answer to this as well.

[-] Elegast@lemm.ee 7 points 1 year ago

If they have issues with your hobbies they're not worth it. Who cares what you're into, if it doesn't negatively affect things, who the hell cares. My wife and I regularly game right next to each other and we're well past the "normal" age for gamers.

[-] Elegast@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago

It takes two is probably one of the best split screen local co-op imo.

[-] Elegast@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Now I just need it to hide on scroll past and it would be perfect!

submitted 1 year ago by Elegast@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Hey all. One of the best features of 3rd party reddit apps was hiding the post once you viewed or scrolled past so that you wouldn't see the same post each time you open the app/site. I believe this one done via the hide post feature via 3rd party apps. Does Lemmy support anything like this? Thanks!


joined 1 year ago