[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Sweet! My first computer was a 333mhz PowerPC Mac! Still have that behemoth. Man, I learned video editing and 3d modelind on that thing and totally changed my career path.

Now 25 years later it's decendant (roughly?) is a SoC running a wireless hub!

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 5 points 3 days ago

Price is definitely important, but so is traction. If stopping distance increases because eco materials grip less, that would be a concern.

My criteria are performance results, wear rating, and price.

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 13 points 3 days ago

Can confirm. Neighbors house had an attic fire with knob & tube wiring.

... Just like the stuff still in my place today. Eek! Landlord won't upgrade unless there is a problem. In my house, the breakers are all 20amp and that's a lot to run on, best guess, 70 year old wires.

Oh, and do not assume anything is wired as expected. Test after. I've found a couple plugs "upgraded" to 3-prong by jumping the load and ground together. That made for a fun firework show when my metal fan touched something metal. Even the landlord was impressed by that stupidity.

A cheaper solution is to take a copper wire and connect the ground screw of the socket to a water pipe. It does the job and is better than nothing.

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 2 points 5 days ago

Haha thanks a lot! I'm going to stay up here with the ground, birds, and air ifyoudontmind.

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 24 points 6 days ago

I, too, watch Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Also grew up with a solid fear of drain pipes as a kid. That crab v pipe video ages ago... shudder

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 5 points 6 days ago

I use kimai.

It's grown over the past few years and lots of bugs squished. Could use a little developer help regarding custom invoice templates, but I like the direction it's headed.

There is a convenient app that works pretty well. I think it's a couple bucks now, but nothing outrageous.

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 0 points 6 days ago

Why not dockerize Foundry and run all on the Synology?

Though I did convert my home assistant docker to HAOS on a Pi for extra features way back in the day. Not sure you have to now.

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 125 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Ahh remindes me of a quote.

Mr. Prosser: Do you know how much damage this bulldozer would sustain if I just let it roll over you?

Arthur Dent: How much?

Mr. Prosser: None at all.

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 104 points 1 month ago

As I've heard someone say last year: "I wish Reddit a happy Digg.com"

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 166 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I set up a 4-day trip years ago and my SO requested the time off. Denied. Changed the reservation, paid a fee and again denied. In fact, every weekend in June through August was denied due to "seniority" and other employees taking their vacations.

I changed the reservation again (and paid another fee) and told my SO the dates they'll be sick.

We called early in the morning on the way to a great trip. It felt great. FAFO

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 125 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I wish I could earn in a year what he lost in a day. It would solve so, so many hardships I face in life.

F him for grifting so damn much

[-] Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com 102 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I did the math and it would take me roughly 90 years to pay off a 2 bedroom fixer-upper.

Surprise twist, said fixer-upper is the place I rent currently.

Double surprise twist, I pay more in rent then the mortgage for this place, but don't qualify to buy my own.

I'm stuck in the renters purgatory.

There are more twists still, but those are too personal.

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