
joined 1 year ago
[–] Dreamer@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago
[–] Dreamer@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

The onus of responsibility lies on Israeli’s leadership and all that support the kinds of rulings and actions that have blurred the lines between combatant and non combatant.

Compulsory military service needs to go. Willing or unwilling, every citizen is forced into this conflict because they are required by law to do what their leadership asks them to, even if it means continuing the cycle of oppression. As we have seen with the Nuremberg trials, "Just following orders" is not an excuse.

There have also been numerous cases of the Israeli military protecting settlers in plains clothes as they commit terrorist acts against the indigenous populations. Doing so allows Israel to further its goal while officially creating plausible deniability for numerous humans rights violations.

These two factors alone heavily blur the lines between combatant and noncombatant, guilty and innocent, and fascist and non-fascist. It is very possible that this was done by design to force every Israeli citizen to have a stake in the conflict regardless of whether they want to. Israel knows Hamas does not have the luxury nor the technology to sift through potential targets to identify the legitimate ones. In a sense, the Zionist leadership is using the entirety of its population as a human-shield, and this placement of a civilian festivity near a military facility in a hot zone was a strategic one, such that when the legitimate target is attacked, others are caught in the cross-fire, and Israel can then use this to justify collective punishment against innocent civilians.

[–] Dreamer@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Yes, let's go back to the status quo where humans in Gaza were dying silently in inhumane conditions, and where the humans in the West Bank and the rest of Israel were treated like subhuman where Israeli settler's backed by the Israeli military would freely commit acts of terror against them.

What a dog-shit take, maybe go educated yourself a bit before spitting out genocidal rhetoric.