You are telling other people they’re wrong for calling him a fascist, which by the way- is an opinion they are entitled to.
I'm saying I disagree with that opinion. They are entitled to their opinions (as I have often said) and I am entitled to mine.
I am somehow mad
Good point. I shouldn't have assumed you are mad. Apologies.
Heads up: you’re not a victim here.
I've never said I'm a victim. It's a Lemmy discussion about a news article. It's not that serious.
They’re just holding up the mirror, if you don’t like what you see- that’s a you problem.
I'm fine with my reflection, thx.
If you want to say he’s not a fascist.
I've already said several times that I don't think he's a fascist. You haven't blown any wind out of my sails. I've told you specifically that I don't agree with your opinion that he's a fascist.
If you don’t like this. Then maybe this community isn’t for you.
I'm fine with this community. That's why I post here.
I don't agree with the opinion that he's a fascist. As I've already said. I'm not sure why you keep pressing the point. You're not going to change your mind. I'm not going to change my mind.
You have the right to your opinion. I have the right to mine. It's ok that we don't agree.