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Also, publicity is a big factor. You pretty much guarantee some degree of media coverage when you do something like shut down a busy highway. I don't think people consider often enough how important even negative press is in spreading the message.

My understanding of propaganda doesn't require the information to necessarily be misleading (don't get me wrong, blatant propaganda frequently is), just presented with an intention to promote a certain group's interests. I can see where the contention comes from, and I'm sure we could both have a lengthy discussion about it, but I don't think it's really the time or place, and it sounds like we aren't too far off from understanding one another anyways. Hope you have a good day/night wherever you are!

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I said propaganda isn't necessarily at odds with facts, and for what it's worth I saw the bias reports, but they're talking about Left/Right bias and we're talking about nationalistic bias. Propaganda isn't an inherently left/right concept. There's also no reason to suggest I think "every media fact checker is wrong", you're arguing against something no one here has said.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

It seems like there's no reason to doubt the US Archive's internal records on this regard. You say surely things have changed, but there's little in the way of compelling evidence that that's the case, right? Propaganda doesn't mean an absence of factual reporting, it means slanted, biased reporting, and it's not exactly a stretch by any means to suggest that VOICE OF AMERICA might have an agenda in their reporting, right? Pretty much every country that disseminates its own media employs propaganda because it's a proven means of control. I understand you respect the service they provide but consider the purpose of propaganda, its intended effect, and how it might be influencing your stance on this matter.

That's fair, but it's hard to not bring up servers when someone is making broad statements like "businesses don't use Linux", though. In the scope of that particular discussion I feel servers are pertinent enough.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago

Hey, that's fair. I hadn't considered that in casting this net I could be catching people who are quite anxious and speaking to fill the silence. Admittedly I am saying this with a handful of specific people I've met in mind, and in their particular cases it was more reflective of their narcissistic tendencies than any sort of anxious response, but I realize in retrospect that it can also be coping behavior. I hope I didn't offend either way, and I'll keep this in mind in the future.

I do think it's really okay to speak up there's something you want to say! I really must stress that I only think its problematic if no one else can actually converse because of them and it's a chronic thing.

[–] 37 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (7 children)

Cutting others off excessively. It's normal when you're in a large enough group for there to be some overlap, but some people do it constantly and are only interested in hearing themselves speak. Makes being around them impossible since I often have trouble speaking up anyways.

Edit: I took instantly to mean on first meeting them, so I may have interpreted the question wrong lol

Edit2: I also should've been a bit more careful with my words, as this kind of behavior can be attributed to an anxiety response and isn't always done out of apathy. I really apologize if I offended anyone by overgeneralizing.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah, businesses that use Linux generally hire people who know how to use Linux. I don't think you actually know what you're arguing about anymore, but you can do it by yourself. Hope things get better for you in the future.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

This is just nonsense. Linux servers are all over the place. Google has its own internal distribution of Ubuntu! I feel like you're not arguing in good faith, here.

Edit: For reading at your leisure: A list of organizations that have adopted Linux for regular use

Four years ago this wasn't even true on something quite minimalist like Arch. You installed a desktop environment and some generic drivers for stuff like audio and you had a working PC. If this was truly your experience I'm very curious about what your particular issues were.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not here to disagree, just here to advocate for Krita over Gimp. I found it much more pleasant to use for digital art

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