[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 2 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

If Russia use them and NATO respond with nukes or anything that will cause major problems, they'll send their nukes to the West (Europe, US), and the West will send them back. These will be done under orders if they do not hear anything, and very little action will be quick enough to prevent it.

Mutually assured destruction. The question would be who would survive? NZ? South America? Africa? Asia?

I'm fucked personally as I'm in the UK.

I would rather we didn't masturbate over nuclear weapons because what happened to Japan would be nothing compared to the loss of life on a global scale. It is a good option for nobody.

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 day ago

100%. Would also like to find out more.

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 3 points 4 days ago

Yeah, I use TW and it just works. I game on it with no issues.

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 2 points 5 days ago

As someone who has used it for a few years. Incorrect. I had one upgrade issue (from KDE 5 to 6). Other than that. Smooth. For the Plasma upgrade, just change to default them before upgrade and upgrade from command line, not terminal window.

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 20 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I played this. A great game. That era and Bullfrog in particular were incredible. Dungeon Keeper is one of the best games I played. Theme Hospital and Theme Park were great. It was the golden age of strategy games. Age of Empires 2, Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Red Alert games. Railroad Tycoon. I have no idea why this type of game became unpopular.

I strongly recommend Dungeon Keeper 1 (ideally gold with Deeper Dungeons add on) and Theme Hospital. Can get them on Gog.

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 4 points 5 days ago

Or there is OpenSuse Tumbleweed which is up to date, and stable...

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 10 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I think the important thing is consent to use data. If I can control what data I share with them, it isn't the end of the world. If I choose to not, and it's honoured, then this is a good thing. I'd prefer this approach funding development to Mozilla not being able to compete.

Mozilla is a far superior company to Google.

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 127 points 1 week ago

Proton is open source. Anyone can pull it together and integrate it. Gog have been doing DRM free games for a while, they'll be quite keen to fill this niche. Epic probably won't care. If none do, someone will want to.

submitted 5 months ago by CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml to c/degoogle@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/11253421

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/11253225

Fossify Contacts (fork of Simple Contacts) and Fossify SMS Messenger (fork of Simple SMS Messenger) have been released on F-Droid.

Other Fossify apps available for download on F-Droid:

(ICYMI, Simple Mobile Tools suite was acquired by an adware company and their apps on the Google Play Store now contain trackers and unnecessary permissions. This report from Exodus shows that the old version of Simple Gallery had 0 trackers and 10 permissions, whereas the app, after sale, contains 9 trackers and 21 permissions!)

About Fossify: Fossify is all about community-backed, open-source, and ad-free mobile apps. A fork of the SimpleMobileTools, which is no longer maintained, and we’re here to continue the legacy, bringing simple and private tech to everyone.

submitted 5 months ago by CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml to c/degoogle@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/10796117

Fossify Gallery (fork of Simple Gallery), Fossify File Manager (fork of Simple File Manager) and Fossify Calendar (fork of Simple Calendar) are now available for download on F-Droid.

(Simple Mobile Tools suite was acquired by an Israeli adware company)

About Fossify: Fossify is all about community-backed, open-source, and ad-free mobile apps. A fork of the SimpleMobileTools, which is no longer maintained, and we're here to continue the legacy, bringing simple and private tech to everyone.

Some folks recommended SimpleMobileTools such as calendar. After it was sold off, a fork was created by one of their contributors, and it's released on F-droid now.

Wanted to give this update in case folk were curious.

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 82 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

If you're on the country code, you open yourself up to risk. ml has been a risk before.

Your headline is misleading though. Taliban didn't kill it. Admin did.

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 112 points 6 months ago

I don't think you guys cared when you defederated from the rest of the fediverse and turned up your nose at everyone else. I'm not sure why you care now. You guys go and do your thing, but I don't think you're very relevant to the fediverse.

You speak very vaguely, and I don't think you're being fully honest with your reasoning, but by this point, I don't think it really matters.

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 65 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Is it weird that the only celebrity who's getting a public print of emissions is one that is despised by a political party for getting people out to vote?

I don't really care much about her, but this feels like "how do we get young people to not listen to this person... ah, let's go with emissions".

[-] CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml 60 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Hi. No one is creating content on Threads, can we steal your content, please?

submitted 6 months ago by CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Looks like UK is going the same way as a few states. Spare a thought for us. So messed up this increasing surveillance state.

submitted 7 months ago by CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://discuss.tchncs.de/post/5707453

The Chrome team says they're not going to pursue Web Integrity but...

it is piloting a new Android WebView Media Integrity API that’s “narrowly scoped, and only targets WebViews embedded in apps.”

They say its because the team "heard your feedback." I'm sure that's true, and I can wildly speculate that all the current anti-trust attention was a factor too.

Many said we couldn’t stop it. We, like many, applied pressure, and they backed the fuck off.

We have no room for complacency now though. Google cannot be allowed to dictate web standards. Firefox needs to eat into that Chromium market share.

Never forgive. Never forget.

submitted 10 months ago by CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml to c/degoogle@lemmy.ml

Hi, all.

We've grown considerably since rebuilding the sub (see https://lemmy.ml/post/2262830). Active monthly users 150 -> 380. 3.5k -> 5.42k subs. It seems to be growing organically now, and the higher we go, the more people will stumble across it. There is always a need to get away from Google, and hopefully our community can help people with this.

If you'd like to join us to help moderate so we have folk in place as we need them, that would be awesome.

If you are interested. Please send a message about why you think you'd be good for the role, and also an example post/comment in this community previously.



submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml to c/degoogle@lemmy.ml

Here I will pin a list of recommendations for software. Getting started can be daunting, and it'd be great to pull that information together here for newcomers so they can take practical steps to degoogle their lives.

Disclaimer: These are recommendations by regulars here and on privacy forums. Use at own risk. We cannot due diligence on these, so if people do have issue with items in the list, please create a post and raise your concerns.


Browser -

  • Firefox (Strongly recommend in light of WEI and Google's plan that could potentially restrict access to websites)
  • Librewolf
  • Brave (Not recommended, due to Google's WEI changes. Using chromium is a bad idea. I left this in case you really must)


  • Duck Duck Go
  • Brave


  • Proton mail
  • Tutanota

Cloud storage

  • Proton mail

Productivity Suite (Alternative to google docs)

  • Libre office (Maybe not cloud based)
  • Only office (for MS doc compatibility)

Degoogled Android phones

Phone OS - https://lemm.ee/post/663113

  • GrapheneOS

  • LineageOS (wihh or without MicroG)

  • /e/OS

Android app store -

  • F-droid


  • Signal

  • Element (Matrix)

Maps - https://lemmy.ml/post/2211048

  • Organic Maps

  • OsmAnd+

SMS - https://lemmy.ml/post/2256135


Task lists - https://lemmy.ml/post/2249613

Calendar - https://lemm.ee/post/704703


These items are ones either recommended multiple times or seem to have some form of consensus on them being good and privacy focussed. I will link discussion topics so people can see the logic and reasoning behind recommendation. If you are not happy with anything here, please discuss here: https://lemmy.ml/post/2262409

If you would like another item in this, please create a post discussion and we can pull it in and link to it.

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joined 11 months ago