Lol, I'm not young. I'm pushing 50.
Multi use land developments increase property values, and I would love to have some shops that I can walk to. Fuck suburbs. Fuck excluding people. I want housing density and actually walkable neighborhoods. YIMBY. Thanks.
Mixed use land developments increase property values. My neighbors believe urban myths and lies, so I'm not particularly inclined to be any more fair to them than I would be to someone who believes that vaccines cause autism.
I own a house here too, ya know. I don't share their misguided concerns. Yes there will be traffic. I believe we have reasonable options to mitigate that.
But it looks like the rich, old NIMBYs are going to win this fight, and keep people locked out as always.
I'm the only person on my street actually in favor of the proposed multi-use housing/shopping complex a developer wants to build a block over from us. I can't change the minds of all these old people. I'm pretty sure we're just fucked until they all move out or pass on.
Yes, but they're trying to figure out if that's where we're at or if this is a temporary blip from the Honga Tonga Honga Ha'apai volcano.
Most volcanoes that size would cool the planet by ejecting a bunch of ash and sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere. But the Tonga volcano was underwater, so it threw a metric shitton of water vapor into the upper atmosphere instead, and this has a warming effect. This is part of the reason for the increase in precipitation on the West Coast of the US this year.
Add this volcano on top of the near simultaneous flip into an El Niño pattern, and they're just not sure how permanent the warming we saw this year is going to be. But any way you go about it, this is really not good. We've just experienced dramatic warming from two things that we can't predict and can't control, on top of the part where we're not doing nearly enough about the things we can control.
Select the "available for local pickup" option to weed out all the trash. Even if you're buying to be shipped.
Use Amazon as a search engine, find what you need, then Google the manufacturer and buy it directly from them. You'd be surprised how many have free shipping . It's usually not two day shipping, but what do you really need that fast?
If it's electronics, buy online for local pickup at Best Buy. If it's tools or house supplies, buy online for local pickup at Lowe's or Home Depot. Buy online for local pickup at Target.
I haven't purchased anything from Amazon in 4 years. It's honestly way easier now than it was before Amazon started, but no one realizes that because Amazon got them locked in.
We need public hospitals back in the United States. There are some things that only make sense being collectively owned
Can confirm. Nursing staff at our hospital just received the date for our union election. January 10! These corporations do not care about our patients. We have to do something to protect them, and unionizing is one form of direct action that we can take.
Your facts don't support your conclusion, kiddo.
We're all saying that you're up-playing it. It's not that hard to understand.
Here, let me help you:
I moved here because this is what exists lol. I didn't design this place. It's what's here.
I'm obviously not forcing my opinion on anyone because we live in a democracy. I'm allowed to have a different opinion from my neighbors. I hope you realize that. Maybe ask why you're allowed to force your preferences on ME even though I have actual data and evidence that it's nicer on my side of things and you'll be happier here even though you've been taught to believe otherwise.
Let me introduce you to some great resources on just how modern and terrible an anomaly American suburbs are. Really, they're terrible. Terrible for your health, terrible for the environment, terrible for society and the economy. Ugly, soulless, fragile, useless Ponzi scheme that needs to end.