
joined 1 year ago
[–] Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago

I recall jaunty jackalope being the Ubuntu version that became my full time os. It was that version that my IBM x31 had everything taken care of on install with the third party drivers checked. I feel like the LTS version following that was where you could buy a generation previous of any hardware and it'd work without much fuss.

[–] Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Set it to hot as fuck for an hour

[–] Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago

With my step kid I've basically just told him I'm not making anything else for him if he doesn't like what I made. If he won't eat it, he can have fresh vegetables and/or last night's leftovers instead. I give him some options before I start cooking, so he knows and has some say in what dinner is.

The exception is if I make something that's objectively gross. I've had a few frozen package dinners that looked good but were outright nasty and made sandwiches instead.

[–] Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago

I hate to admit that I love using these micro business computers, but they're pretty awesome. Stackable, powerful, upgradeable, cheap second hand or refurbished. I've considered nucs, but you can find buckets of these for cheaper.

[–] Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Solar modules are cheap, why not integrate them into the car? I'd love to get an extra 6 miles of range on my leaf per day just for being in the sun.

[–] Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Solar modules are cheap, why not integrate them into the car? I'd love to get an extra 6 miles of range on my leaf per day just for being in the sun.

[–] Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

What's worse is most of what comes up isn't even a hands on review, it's literally someone doing what I just did, which is type "vacuum cleaner" into Amazon and see what came up. Then they give it reviews based on the bullshit in the description.

I want a review from someone who sees these everyday and has a deep hatred of every vacuum in existence. He's the one who knows that such and such used to be good until they replaced this part with plastic because they have a new CEO, and now it's no better than a dirt devil.

At least with vacuums however, there's a few guys out there with carpet swathes, children, and dogs at home that get to take vacuums from work and do youtube tests with them. Unfortunately they usually don't try to game the algorithm so they're pretty deep in there.

[–] Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

That sounds like an incredible amount of work vs just adding rough estimates together. I can add two numbers in less time than it takes to reach into my pocket.

[–] Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

Not op, but a nuc idles around 5 watts, and at load can use up to 100 watts depending on specs. A raspberry pi4 idles somewhere around 3.5 watts and at load is still under 10 watts.

[–] Cenzorrll@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

I second the Synology, I currently have a 2 drive version setup as raid 1 with 3TB drives. It was super easy to set up, and I haven't touched it in about 5 years now. Set everything up how I wanted and it's worked flawlessly ever since. Granted, I set it up for myself, not for anyone with an aversion to technology. I much prefer to have a large amount of my data under my own control, plus I get to keep full resolution photos, videos, etc. without worrying about running out of space.

Plus transferring data over a home network is so much faster than through an ISP (at least with what's available to me).

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