
joined 9 months ago
[–] 0 points 7 months ago

So, looking at my comment history, have you figured out that I only have 5% of the toxicity that makes up your whole comment history 🤡 and that 5% is just my back and forth with your clown ass lmao

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

Congrats, you discovered you can make screenshots. Bravo 😂

[–] 0 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

That's a big conclusion from such little info, so that says more about your clown ass lmao.

Also the belittling is quite funny, it implies that you see yourself as the lower person in the convo 😂

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Definitely sealion vibes from this comment 🤡

[–] -4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Calling them a sealion makes you an idiot. Stop being the disappointment you claim to see in others. No, last sentence wasn't a typo!

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

They felt smart for a sec. I'm not up to date on the whole Rowling thing so I won't respond to that. But its obvious there's a few crybabies in this thread who are just as bad as the Rowlings and Boeberts of this world cause they will shut down any conversation because they like to assume your intentions. Sorry for the rant but fuck those people who downvoted you and especially fuck that stupid person with the sealion response. I also apologize for the language but damn people should get a life or go touch grass or whatever will make them pull their heads out of their bums.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I thought the best shitposts were the friends we made along the way

[–] 13 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)
[–] 4 points 8 months ago (3 children)

This is top tier trolling

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

That's a 7,5 hour bike ride, I call BS

[–] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Error, cant reach ear with tongue

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

Error, no balls where found on this specimen, only salty tears

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