Wow, so much awesomeness for one week! I like that Rozemyne's Grutrissheit divine instrument is a tablet with a search function. Not sure how she's going to explain all this to everyone else. "Somehow I got big by offering mana to the Mestionora statue in the library." Rozemyne being a mana chameleon is kind of an interesting development. I wonder if she's going to inform Ferdinand at all or just continue as if everything is normal. In my headcanon Ferdinand's estate will now be known as "La Quinta".
I'm wondering if Ferdinand could see the magic circle himself. I kind of feel like maybe he had visited all the shrines back when he was a student. Since he attended the Royal Academy all year to avoid Veronica he would have had the opportunity to visit the shrines when they weren't covered in snow.
It's possible that it'll be like the shines she visited during the archduke conference where it wasn't apparent to anyone else that something had occurred. It's also possible that it could be like Detlinde's dedication whirl where Rozemyne could see the magic circle, but no one else could until Detlinde's mana started to be absorbed by it. Considering the enormous amount of mana involved in the dedication ritual it definitely could end up being used to activate the magic circle.
Completely agree on Immanuel being annoying or even causing problems. That guy is too creepy shudder 😓
Just glad it was Hirschur teaching the class and not Fraularm or there would be new rumors of Rozemyne being a sexual deviant.
I wish we could see the look on the faces of everyone that's smack talked Rozemyne over the years once they find out she's becoming a princess.
I kind of hope that Hildebrand is still the overseer. I like his interactions with Rozemyne. And now that's he's about to be Rozemyne's new little (half?) brother, I expect some doting on before long.
Seems like Rozemyne is going to maybe test the magic circle before the Dedication Ritual to make sure nothing unexpected occurs? Is this the same place that the Dedication Whirl is performed? I would almost expect something to happen there if that was the case.
No Lestilaut or Detlinde to deal with during this year's fellowship gathering. I'm interested to see how Hannelore does this year without her brother around. She mentioned having a long way to go to become a proper Dunkelfelger woman. Maybe we'll get to witness some of that growth this year.
My (very wrong) interpretation of the cover:
- Rozemyne hits puberty. Her sudden height change causes her to trip and accidentally let out blessings.
- Ferdinand gets kicked out of the side building for arguing with Detlinde. He's forced to sleep outside wrapped in his cape.
- Letizia plays hide and seek with those nice looking guys.
I'll make some predictions this time.
Now that Rozemyne is aware of her move to the Sovereignty I foresee her attitude changing more from an Ehrenfest centric view to a Yurgenschmidt centric view. I see her using the Ehrenfest dormitory to become an example for struggling duchies and to help aid their growth.
I think Rozemyne will remain a target of other duchies until knowledge of her adoption into the royal family becomes public knowledge. I expect interference from the Sovereign Temple, and probably some greater duchies. I'm pretty sure Fraularm was notified of Lady Dahldolf's assassination plot against Rozemyne evidenced by the question of her health and her interruption after Rozemyne opened the bible during the Starbind ceremony at the Archduke conference. I predict Fraularm may attempt to pickup where Dahldolf left off after failing revenge so many times against Rozemyne and Ehrenfest.
While Rozemyne has in the past mentioned that Ehrenfest is her Geduldh I think she will change that response to Ferdinand. Since most of the people she cares about will be spread across several duchies I think she'll reply that Yurgenschmidt is her Geduldh.
I predict that printing will be a major topic of import this year at the Royal Academy. There are many more printed goods to expand to which may come up such as fliers, newspapers, or yearbooks. Since magic tools were covered a lot last year in the Royal Academy maybe we'll see more on magic circles this year.
I'd like to see a Clarissa PoV chapter. She helped out with the max quality fey paper and the post entwickeln cleanup this book. We haven't really seen too much of what her day to day is like since coming to Ehrenfest.
Agreed. Maybe a chapter or two of winter socializing and winter playroom before going off to the academy. I can't really think of anything else that needs to be wrapped up before departing.
It's definitely become more difficult for Rozemyne to get gifts to the lower city people in person, but through others it's still somewhat possible. Thinking about it maybe a gift of some of the cloth she received from Ferdinand could be possible since it can potentially be used to make hair ornaments.
You might be right that the entwickeln won't involve Rozemyne too much. Yes it's the Aub's job to deal with foundational magic in the duchy. However when Rozemyne is around things are bound to get interesting.
Ahhh, so many questions now...
Since Rozemyne and Ferdinand's mana is so similar would magic contracts, citizenship and hidden room registration affect both of them? It seems that the magic ink they make is slightly different still, so perhaps not? Still close enough that a god couldn't tell them apart though.
I wonder if Ferdinand knew that Rozemyne was marked by Ewigeliebe. Still very curious why he needs all that maximal quality paper.
Will Rozemyne be able to fix Yurgenschmidt's nearly dry foundation even with the holes in her knowledge? Will Georgine assault Ehrenfest's foundation while Rozemyne is away at the Royal Academy?
Gah! Can't wait for next week!