[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 2 points 6 hours ago

You "will try" tomorrow.

Take the word "should" out of your vocabulary for the most part, especially with self-talk. It's often not useful.

[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 0 points 6 hours ago

Your the elf that wanted to be a dentist!

[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 1 points 7 hours ago

Ah, yea, that seems more like something that wasn't intended for breaks.

Definitely disruptive.

[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 1 points 7 hours ago

Oxygen has an interesting plot, similar, but not it.

I think the prison angle in this film wasn't the main premise. Just how a technology was used.

There was an eye drop that delivered a drug or something that could...do something to your brain.

Uggh, wish I could remember more.

[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 1 points 7 hours ago

Similar style, but that was a mini-series (for lack of a better description).

This was a movie (IIRC), and she was held in a prison in her mind (so she thought), I can't remember the details. Futuristic, but not very far into the future.

[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 15 points 22 hours ago

If you've owned more than 2, those are on you! 🤣

But yea, consumer printers suck.

[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

There was another movie around this idea very recently, maybe a couple years ago. Can't remember the name though.

Young woman in isolation, think she helped create the system, maybe was on Netflix like 4 years ago?

[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 13 points 1 day ago

I don't mind those breaks... It feels like going to the next chapter in a book.

But actual ads, yea, not for a service that costs.

Though this whole thing is funny - they collect even more user data than they did with cable or broadcast, and now want to show you ads too.

Can't wait to finish my media server setup.

[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

I've heard many times that revolvers or semi-auto have less recoil than the other, hence the question about slide mass/energy, as the only element I could see being different which could possibly explain why people hold this opinion.

Do you know of any actual metrics/tests done that show this clearly? Or is it just a perception issue?

(And yea, we'd have to agree on a definition of what we're measuring/comparing). Do any gun magazines run proper tests occasionally to make comparisons?

I admit my physics classes were a long time ago, but at first glance it seems felt recoil would only be marginally different between a revolver and a pistol using the same round. If anything, I'd expect the revolver to have a greater felt recoil, given the mechanics of a pistol... But I could very well be wrong.

[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 11 points 2 days ago
[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 16 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Hahahahahahahaha, oh man, how much you spend on a psychologist every month?

Also, what you're doing is called sophistry, specifically moving the goal posts (which predates the US by about 1000 years).

You later move on to attacking the person, rather than the argument (more sophistry).

You should probably educate yourself lest you expose the clown inside.

[-] BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 89 points 3 days ago

Yea, pizza places have gotten out of hand in recent years.

Adding a delivery fee (which doesn't go to the driver) from locations that only do delivery.

How about fuck you and your delivery fee. Which is why I refuse to have pizza delivered any more. Plus they invariably get lost, though we're a few hundred yards from their store.

Little Seizures sells the same pizza for half the price, or less, than Papa John's, before those fees are tacked on.

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