
joined 6 months ago
[–] 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The wind developers are private companies that have already spent hundreds of millions of dollars purchasing the leasing rights to the wind energy areas and associated costs.

The parts of the projects under federal control are a) reviewing the proposed leasing areas and projects, b) putting the leasing areas up for auction, c) reviewing the environmental impacts, and d) ensuring the developers remain in environmental compliance throughout construction and operation. That's all the federal government can control, and other than that the private business can do what it wants. A, b, and c has pretty much already happened on a huge swath of all wind energy areas, and the only thing he be able to stop now is compliance of already leased areas and leasing additional areas.

That means if he stops up from maintaining compliance, the developers will have no reason (other than personal moral compass) to not harm the environment (including harming severely endangered right whales) and not report it. He can't stop the current projects from happening, at least not without huge legal battles costing the federal government a massive amount of money to pay back the developers. Not to mention the tens of thousands of jobs he'd be costing of he put them out of work when they've already been contracted for years at a time.

[–] 36 points 2 months ago

I find this to be a breakdown of training, because the training was pretty clear years ago when I had clearance with the navy that we were never to use apps like this that could disclose location, not just while on-duty or on base, but at any time that our location could be given away. We were specifically not allowed to have Fitbits or other smart watches (Fitbit was the big one at the time) that could share location and any apps that wanted to know our location (yes, on our personal phones) needed to be cleared by IT because we were people that had been granted clearance and therefore could not give away critical location information.

The big scandal that got a lot of people into trouble was Pokemon Go, because not only did it use location, but I guess it used camera too? I didn't know, I didn't play it, but using cameras on base was a HUGE no-no, so using an app that shared location AND picture during your lunch break broke the brains of the COs.

It seems so weird to me that this is something that is so widespread right now. I didn't work for the navy anymore and haven't in a while, but I still follow the basic safety protocols about not sharing sensitive information.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

As someone else mentioned, you probably hit snooze without realizing it while still mostly asleep. Snooze is 9 minutes. On this clock, the "snooze button" is literally the entire face of the clock. When the noise initially went off, if you rolled over and tapped the clock it would have reset the alarm.

[–] 13 points 4 months ago (4 children)

I have this exact same clock. Are you positive it's not going off? You may have it set to be quiet in the beginning and ramp up to being loud over 15-30 minutes which is supposed to wake you up gradually. So perhaps you only noticed it going off at 10:46.

For instance, I want to be awake at 7, so I set mine for 6:30 with a 30min gradual wake up (sounds and light gradually go up for 30 min).

That setting is not required and you can have it just wake you up, but then it defeats the point of a sunlight alarm in my opinion.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

There was a big push a few months ago, a year ago, who knows, Internet time is weird, when McDonald's updated their terms of service on their app and added a clause like this. There were a lot of posts on social media, Reddit, fedi, etc to make sure people didn't agree to the new terms or download the app if they never had it.

There are people that pay attention to it, and even research papers done on it. A lot of the common apps started doing it at the same time. Venmo has it, Pinterest, Facebook, etc. things you wouldn't think of that would have cases like this. But certain ones stick out because of the seemingly more real world complications (I mean, venmo could have fraud, Facebook could have cyber bullying, etc), but McDonald's could have health issues, Disney clearly this is the case.

[–] 38 points 5 months ago (1 children)

As soon as I read the title to this, I thought "here we go again", but I'm amazed there are actual helpful comments and only one reference to the arms broken/mom bit

[–] 6 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)
[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Exactly! If I am calling customer support, it's because I have exhausted all other options of finding a solution to my issue, and I have a feeling I'm searching more extensively than the options that this AI is being fed. If I've reached the point of calling, I need someone that can think of a creative solution.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Here's a taste of the GOP view:

I used to be a government employee in the state of Florida (when Rick Scott was governor) as an environmental educator. One day, we received a memo that for all government employees the phrases "climate change", "global warming", and "sustainability" were now banned from our official duties. How was I supposed to teach about the environment in Florida without using those? I was still allowed to say "unusual weather event".

I left this role, and Florida, and heard that this policy had been repealed.

Wouldn't you know it, I heard from some of my colleagues still there that DeSantis just went ahead and did the same thing, while also making sure the new law impacts the energy grid.

So not only is their plan to ignore it - but they want to force no one else to talk about it either, or make any improvements on their own of their own volition.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Serious case of Cop-Face

[–] 10 points 6 months ago (4 children)

Wasn't he also a cop in arrested development?

[–] 5 points 6 months ago

Precisely. When there was a 10mph speed reduction for commercial vessels recommended in order to protect whales from vessels strikes (the actual cause of the deaths) and Congress had to hear arguments from various sides - suddenly all these people cared about was how much this was going to ruin their industry and they didn't care at all that it was to protect whales.

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