What is the ontology of a concept or idea? If nothing doesn't exist materially but strictly conceptually, does it not exist or is there a different term one should employ to refer to it? 🤔
...Does anyone have data on how many people still use checks?
Have you seen Publii yet? Dunno how well it works on Linux, but there's a version for Linux as well.
Is this ever noted in any of the documentation, outside of some fine print, with the printer to let someone know that it's being done? If your product is secretly leaving indicators for anyone aware of the indicators to track your actions in some way, that's problematic in my opinion.
Given a printer is arguably a lesser issue anymore, but the same idea applies with other tech.
Would this require feeding it batteries like a triggerhappy machine gunner?
if you primarily watch videos with your smartphone, couldn't you call it a pocket tv?
Isn't this simply a contrivance to uphold a questionable system?
What's a CLA?
I just hope this pointless move won’t bring down the wayback machine.
What was the pointless move you're referring to?
What sets IceShrimp apart from the other Misskey forks in your opinion?
Do people think it's a good thing, or simply the thing where those they know are?