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[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 17 points 3 months ago (7 children)

I love Mint I get service for $180 a year

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 2 points 3 months ago

But, Russia has Domestic oil and China and Russia best buds.

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 2 points 3 months ago

Sorry all my points are broken up I think of them sporadically lol

Also a gas or diesel powered engk e can be converted to hydrogen meaning most current cars could be converted for less than the cost of buying a new electric car. This makes it more possible for people going forward.

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

But, If I could just have a hydrogen tank and convert them all to hydrogen it would be no difference

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 2 points 3 months ago (3 children)

And honestly batteries are too expensive today lol, I manage a farm and I couldn't imagine the electricity costs for charging all my tractors everyday, not to mention the need for more because they couldn't do the jobs as long as my diesel tractors could. We use farm diesel which is significantly cheaper than road diesel and its cheaper than charging multiple tractors

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 2 points 3 months ago (6 children)

I think it all comes down to them being lied to and told electric is the way.

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 2 points 3 months ago

People are crazy, but, I agree entirely, I also think that the government shouldn't make car owning illegal for anyone but, it should be up to individuals to figure out what to do with it. If a guy living downtown new York wants a car he should be able to buy it but, its up to him to figure out parking

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 2 points 3 months ago (8 children)

I think the best way to solve the problem is to start offering better sustainable vehicle (this doesn't mean electric per semi) id like to see ammonia powered cars or better hydrogen cars, these are things that we generate everyday and have a clean output, also I would love to see car company's retrofitting old cars over building completely new cars as this would dramatically lower the environmental impact of car production, which is the highest envirmontal impact of cars.

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

This isn't co.etely inaccurate however the popation of the US has gone up dramatically and requires a different scale of horse feed production because we would have dramatically more horses for example

in 1910 which is when peak of horse population happened there where 27 million horses the works out to about 1horse per 4 people which would mean almost 100 million horses today

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (13 children)

Cars are better for the environment than horses (I say this as so.done who's family has a lot of horses lol)

If cow farts are bad then horse farts are bad, also it takes a lot of diesel to harvest the feed necessary for horses scale that up to the size needed for modern day populations and horses are way worse for the environment than cars.

Ps. I appreciate you humoring me lol

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 2 points 3 months ago (15 children)

But, I want the discussion lol I woke up combative this morning

[–] 8565@lemmy.techtriage.guru 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (17 children)

OK to the person that down voted me please tell me the most rural place you've visited and a plan to implement public transit? In my area house can be separated by up to 9 miles. It takes a school bus 3.5 hours to pick up and drop off before and after school. So how could public transit be implemented in any meaningful way? Let's say I worked in the city which is a 42 mile drive, now first I would need a minimum 2 hour ride from my house to the small town. Then after that I have to wait in some bus station, then its at least 1 hour before I get into the city so at a minimum I would have a 3 hour trip to and from work everyday. Now to make it worse it isn't a perfect world because lets say my bus from home to the station and the bus into the city are off from each other, now its 4-5 hours or transport one way everyday (8-10 total)........ Do you see how that couldn't work in any meaning full way? Now if you want to say bullet trains, or trains, that is ridiculously expensive to implement and grand scale, and just like in China would end up being mostly traveled only by elites so it wouldn't even be accessible to me.

Not to mention with only 800 people in a 50 mile radius the amount of taxes that each person would have to pay to build a public transit here would be insane.

Now if you want to go county wide, my county has a population density of 10 residents per square mile compared to the entirety of New York City which is 29,000 people per square mile.

Or even worse the country of Korea and my state are similarly sized, my entire state has a population density of 67 people per square mile, Korea has a population density of 1,000 people per square mile.

More populated areas make public transit plausible but, the US is mostly rural space and that is different from pretty much every other country.

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