My partner works with them, they seem like a good bunch. Fingers crossed it goes well, collaborative internet should be the future.
I'd like to try it, but I don't have a supported device yet ... I've played at least one indie game with a similar feel and really enjoyed it, but it was short and simple so I didn't get lost in the world
I would like something halfway between Snowrunner and European Truck Simulator, with a well written single player RPG story mode where you get to help people by delivering stuff.
Or, something like Breath of the Wild only without fighting.
Or both.
No, they cured his boneitis
No, their voices are to different for that to be believeable.
I bought a burger, does that count?
I would be more worried about the tree. It could cause structural problems long after the bear has left.
A screenshot for the forthcoming film "Godzilla Vs The Monster"
That too :-/
I read yesterday about the PR that Saudi Arabia and UAE have been doing to work their way up a "trust index", among other things.
There are few, if any, uncorrupted organisations or countries, and I now believe that it is simply human nature to be monstrous. Anything else requires herculean strength or absolute bull-headedness.
When I was young I watched Star Trek as an idealist looks Ng towards a brighter future, now I enjoy it as fantasy. If an interplanetary federation were to exist as it is portrayed, humans would have to be a minority to avoid contamination of ideals and truth.
AER: Memories of old
It's fun, you play as a woman who can turn into a bird and have to explore, solve basic puzzles, and there's a good story. It's just short and simple.