It's not just lemmy that's benefiting from Elon Musk.

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[-] instamat@lemmy.world 18 points 10 months ago

idk why but I felt the need to remind everyone

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[-] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 17 points 10 months ago

that's cool. The Masto instance I've been on for the last half year is no longer available and I'll have to start over because I didn't have a main and a back up account like I ended up with on Lemmy, but sure, that's alright. I have no idea what happened, the instance still has a blank page up, but it ain't Mastodon.

I was finally feeling moved in but now, kaput.

I don't think this thing was really ready for absolutely everyone on Twitter to bail onto it, is the problem. I don't think it was ever supposed to be. It was always supposed to be like a clubhouse for people who didn't mind being the dweebs of the internet.

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[-] solidsnake2085@lemmy.world 17 points 10 months ago

Good, isn't this what people want? Twitter to shut down? I've been hoping he just closes up shop and gets rid of it.

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[-] Stinkywinks@lemmy.world 17 points 10 months ago

Why are people so fucking addicted to Twitter? It's just people posting a few sentences about shit I see on the Internet already. But what do I know, I've gone my entire life without using the stupid shit. Maybe I'm not taking into account how many people want to be internet celebrities with their parroted tweets and recycled jokes. Why is it so hard to make another site where dumbass celebrities can feed 2 lines to the drooling masses?

[-] t_jpeg@lemmy.world 18 points 10 months ago

Twitter culture (depending on what parts of twitter you were on) was really hard to explain. Unless you used it and really knew how to, you don't really get the benefit from it. Its feed structure combine with post length and algorith meant that it was really easy for you to know what other people were saying about things going on right now (reality shows, football matches etc). It also made searching for news so easy (due to its Trending feature), so you were kept in the loop about things.

The meme culture of Twitter was also very unique. I can say with absolute confidence that Twitter memes were bomb (before Musk ruined it). Way better than any memes I'd come across on Reddit or Lemmy so far.

The only problem is you had to take Twitter in small doses. Stan culture and cyber-bullying culture were real negatives of Twitter. Certain people on that app were unhinged and that went unchecked because of how echo-chambers were set by the algorithm. You really had to check yoursel to make sure you weren't being corrupted, especially because cyber-bullying was so normalised there (at least in my experience).

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[-] Haha@lemmy.world 16 points 10 months ago

I'm starting to believe Elon never cared about twitter. He only bought the userbase and is doing whatever with it. That's sad. Twitter is just not what it once was.

[-] jerkface@lemmy.ca 11 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

He very obviously did not want to buy Twitter; he tried for months to get out of it but because of stupid things he had publicly said, if he had failed to go through with it, he might have been up on criminal market manipulation charges. He was forced to purchase it by legal action from Twitter after he said the stupid things.

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[-] schwim@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago

The term soaring is pretty relative in this case. It's still completely unknown to the majority of the world. It's just like Lemmy, where the very few rigid types that absolutely couldn't stand for one particular thing that happened to their social network will do anything, including cutting their nose off to spite their face rather than continue to use it. That's why we're all here and it's why nobody else but us are coming.

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[-] ioNabio@lemmy.world 13 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Someone in an unrelated discussion, wrote on LinkedIn that blackberry was profitable and grew for a few years after iPhone was anounced. The same for blockbuster after Netflix came to business. Then he was asking on what technologies today will be obsolete because an iPhone has emerged. For me lemmy or mastodon although slow but slowly will eat the competitors as they develop.

For me I am still reading Reddit since lots of information is there. But I am avoiding on participating there.

[-] Cheesus@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

Reddit has become yahoo answers for me. If an answer from Google pops up, read the top comment or two to get an answer and move on.

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[-] Fireinthehole101@lemm.ee 12 points 10 months ago

Good, Twitter is a disgrace to humanity

[-] Rearsays@lemmy.ml 11 points 10 months ago

I don’t think I cared about Twitter, the entire duration of its existence, and now there’s a whole new thing that’s apparently the same and I still don’t care about

[-] Brisolo32@lemmy.eco.br 10 points 10 months ago

if there was (more) portuguese content in mastodon I'd move to it

[-] I_Am_Randy@lemmy.world 11 points 10 months ago

Be the change you want to see in the world.

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this post was submitted on 17 Aug 2023
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