7 films
I can't even. It's been torture just waiting for the second Hathaway's Flash movie. It's like the old OVA format turned up to 11.
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7 films
I can't even. It's been torture just waiting for the second Hathaway's Flash movie. It's like the old OVA format turned up to 11.
I think this, more than anything, is a sign that they don't foresee much international interest in this IP. Movies tend to have a huge delay before they are released overseas, even just with subtitles (never mind a dub). With the large gaps between films (Harry Potter took 9 years to release 7 films as a point of comparison) and the delay in subtitles for international consumption, they must really just expect it to be viewed in Japan.
For all you Yamato fans out there, please provide me with any corrections. I ended up in a rabbit hole trying to understand this announcement. The movie is a remake of an older movie? It is a sequel to 2205? The collection of 7 films is called Rebel 3199 or is it just the first movie? Honestly, I got really confused, and I am hoping that the post can still be informative for those of you out there that are interested in the property.
Bro 7 Movies... Yeah lets talk again in 20 years when we can watch them all with at least some sub.
Not sure how I feel about Yamato. I was very unhappy with 2202.
The story made me scoff again and again, on the third anniversary of the Yamato saving the entire human race?
A mere three years later, not a single human outside the crew cares enough to pay their respects to the Yamato and her crew, at the giant-ass monument built in their honor. Literally just crew shows up, and mope about how sad they are being forgotten.